Updates for March 2019

Additional enhancements are now available in the Manage Inventory Work Center, Work Supervision Work Center, Work Execution Work Center, and the Manage AssetsWork Center.

The following enhancements are included in this production update:
Manage Assets Work Center

The following features are added to enhance asset management capabilities:

  • Asset managers can associate an asset with a rotating item. The rotating item is displayed on a tile on the Details page.
  • Asset managers can specify the priority of an asset on the Details page.
  • Asset managers can add a failure class for an asset. This feature includes the ability to go directly from the asset to the Failure Codes application, where managers can add failure codes if necessary.

The following features are added to enhance location management capabilities:

  • A GL account tile is added to the Locations tab. A link on the tile starts the Locations application, where managers can review or update GL account information for the location.
  • When managers specify location types, they can now add custom location types to organize locations into meaningful categories for their business needs. Custom types are associated with an internal location type that determines which business rules apply to the location. For example, a manager can create a custom type, such as Distribution Center, that corresponds to the internal type OPERATING. The same rules that apply to locations of type OPERATING also apply to locations with the type Distribution Center.

    Learn more about location types

  • Asset managers can now use the Systems tab on the Places page to create and manage systems. A system classifies locations into a logical hierarchy of parent and child locations to help managers track assets and manage work more effectively.

    Learn more about systems

General improvements for work management

The Description field on work orders and service requests now displays a view or edit icon, which shows you at a glance whether you can change the Description field on the work order or service request.

Work Execution Work Center

If a work order includes planned tools, technicians can report individual tools that they use by selecting the tools on the Plans tab when they report their work.

When technicians choose planned tools and reserved materials for their work, they can now select multiple tools and materials in one action.

When technicians create a follow-up work order, in addition to adding the asset and location for the work, now technicians can also enter the following information:
  • Description of the work order
  • Long description of the work
  • Priority
  • Type of work

When technicians enter continuous meter readings for assets or locations, they can now enter the reading as a delta, or incremental change, instead of the actual cumulative value.

When a technician’s work has a status of complete, the actual start and finish dates are now displayed in a tile on the Details page of the work order. In addition, the card for the work order displays the date that the work was finished.

Work Supervision Work Center

When supervisors add job plans to work orders, they can use filters to search for the appropriate job plan.

A Services subtab is added to the Plans tab. Supervisors can add planned services to work orders and include information about the services, such as the work unit, quantity, costs, vendor, and other relevant information about the services.

Supervisors can edit the actual start and finish times and dates on work orders.

Manage Inventory Work Center

The following features are added to enhance inventory capabilities:

Issuing items

You can issue items directly from a storeroom or from a list of reserved items. When items are issued from a storeroom, you can select the work order, asset, location, or general ledger account to be charged for material use costs. Reservations contain this information, so it does not need to be specified when you issue items.

Learn more about issuing items

Specifying inventory reorder rules

When you're adding items to a storeroom, or managing items in a storeroom, you can specify reorder rules. Then, an automated reorder process can create purchasing records when the rule criteria are met.

Learn more about reorder rules

Viewing all issued items

You can view a list of all issued items, including items that were issued without reservations. The Issued Items tab is available on the Reservations page.

Returning issued items

When you return issued items, you can return them to the same bin or lot, or select a different return bin.

Learn more about returning issued items

Inventory usability improvements
You can sort a list of reservations by work order or by bin. Reservations for tasks include the identifier of the parent work order.