New in Maximo EAM SaaS

Following the initial release of Maximo® EAM SaaS, new features and capabilities that were also introduced include configuration functionality for the Work Supervision and the Work Execution Work Centers and updated tour content.

Updates in December 2018

The following enhancements are included in this production update:
Configuring Work Centers

Business administrators can configure the top-level information in the Work Supervision and Work Execution Work Centers. Configurations include modifying header elements, the type of cards that are displayed, and field labels and attributes in cards.

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Updates in October 2018

The following enhancements are included in this production update:
Content update in Work Supervision and the Work Execution tours

The content for the tours in the Work Supervision and the Work Execution Work Centers is revised to describe the Work Center features.

Get Help link to IBM® Knowledge Center

You can now access the product documentation in IBM Knowledge Center from each Work Center by selecting Get Help from the Profile menu.

September 2018

The initial release of Maximo EAM SaaS.