Prerequisites for installing the software

Before you can install the software you must complete certain tasks such as checking the system requirements, setting up licensing, and setting up the Docker environment.

Reviewing system requirements

Before you begin the installation, you must verify that your hardware and software meet the minimum requirements. You must have set up a system, which includes setting up the Docker, with the following minimum requirements:

  • 20 GB disk space
  • 16 GB RAM
  • 6 CPUs
Note: For a complete list of system requirements, see Software Product Compatibility Reports. In the Software Product Compatibility Reports portal, you must enter Rational® Test Workbench in the Product name field and select it from the Search results list. Then, under Product Components > All server components, you must select only Rational Test Automation Server.

Setting up licensing

You do not require a separate license to use Rational Test Automation Server, but you must have runtime licenses available to run tests from the server. You must also have a product license to run any tests and Virtual Tester pack floating license to run performance tests and AFT tests on more than 5 channels.

Before you install and use Rational Test Automation Server, you must enable the license based on the type of product license that you have acquired. For details about Rational Test Workbench licenses and how to enable licenses, see License descriptions.

Setting up other software

On your computer, you must have installed and enabled JDK or JRE 1.8 or later.

For more information about downloading and installing JDK, see OpenJDK. The JDK format might vary based on the operating system.

Complete the following prerequisite task as required:

Setting up and enabling the Docker environment

As a prerequisite to installing the software, you must set up and enable the Docker environment.

Before you begin

You must have installed the appropriate versions and system requirements related to Docker-CE and Docker-Compose. For more details about the Docker version, see Software Product Compatibility Reports.


  1. Install Docker-CE and Docker-Compose on your machine. Download Docker-CE from the Docker-CE link and Docker-Compose from the Docker-Compose link. You must follow the links and complete the steps to install Docker.
  2. Verify if the Docker is up and running by entering the following command in a terminal:
    $ docker run hello-world
