Domains REST API specification

The REST services for domains are defined in IBM® Rational® Test Control Panel domains REST API specification.

For generic information about the REST API, see REST Services.

Compatibility with later versions

To improve the compatibility of clients of the REST API with later versions, you must not manually construct URLs, except for the Get a list of domains URL. Generate URLs by resolving the relative href attributes that are provided in the XML. You must resolve all href attributes against the URL that they were returned from.

List of requests, grouped by resource type

Get a list of domains

URL RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/domains/
Method GET
Returns 200 OK (but can return an empty list)
400 BAD REQUEST: If any required query parameters were missing, or if any parameters were invalid.

Response body

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <domain name="name" href="relative URL" />
URLs point to a domain, relative to RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/domains/

Get a specific domain

URL Resolve the relative URL retrieved from the Get a list of domains response, relative to RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/domains/, as defined by section 5.2.2 of RFC 3986.
Method GET
Returns 200 OK
404 NOT FOUND: If the domain cannot be found.
412 PRECONDITION FAILED: If the domain cannot not be found.

Response body

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <domain id="7" name="banking">
    <description>The banking domain</description>
        <environment name="name" href="relative URL"/>
The name of the domain.
The description of the domain.
Identifies the domain that is the "base" domain of this domain. This element's href attribute contains a relative URL to the base domain's resource.
The environments that are associated with this domain.
URLs point to an environment, relative to RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/domains/

Create a domain

URL RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/domains/
Method POST
Returns 200 OK
400 BAD REQUEST: If the request data was incorrectly formed.
401 NOT AUTHORIZED: If the user is not authorized to create a domain. Only the Rational Test Control Panel administrator is authorized to create domains.

Request headers

If the domain security is disabled, use this header to specify the user who is performing the operation.
If domain-level security is enabled, a security token must be passed as a HTTP Request header. For more information, see REST and Domain level security.

Request data

Update the domain

URL Resolve the relative URL retrieved from the Get a list of domains response, relative to RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/domains/, as defined by section 5.2.2 of RFC 3986.
Method PUT
Returns 200 OK
400 BAD REQUEST: If the request data was incorrectly formed.
401 NOT AUTHORIZED: If the user is not authorized to edit the domain. Only users of the domain are authorized to edit the domains
412 PRECONDITION FAILED: If the domain cannot be found.

Request headers

If the domain security is disabled, use this header to specify the user who is performing the operation.
If domain-level security is enabled, a security token must be passed as a HTTP Request header. For more information, see REST and Domain level security.

Request data

Delete the domain

URL Resolve the relative URL retrieved from the Get a list of domains response, relative to RTCP_BASE_URL/rest/domains/, as defined by section 5.2.2 of RFC 3986.
Returns 200 OK. The domain was deleted.
401 NOT AUTHORIZED: If the user is not authorized to delete the domain. Only the IBM Rational Test Control Panel administrator is authorized to delete domains.
412 PRECONDITION FAILED: If the domain cannot be found.

Request headers

If the domain security is disabled, use this header to specify the user who is performing the operation.
If domain-level security is enabled, a security token must be passed as a HTTP Request header. For more information, see REST and Domain level security.
