Setting up the Perl client API

To use the Perl client API, you must set it up on a host where you plan to run your applications.

The host acts as a client to the Management Console host.

  1. Install a Perl interpreter on the client host, such as ActiveState's ActivePerl version 5.8.4 or later.
    The following Perl prerequisite modules are required (ActivePerl version 5.8.8 includes them):
    • Exporter
    • LWP::UserAgent
    • HTTP::Request
    See the Perl documentation for information about installing Perl modules.
  2. Uncompress the downloaded Perl client API package to a temporary directory.
  3. Install the Perl client API as a standard Perl distribution as described in the apidoc.txt file.

    On Windows you need nmake 1.5, which is included in Visual Studio or downloadable from the Microsoft web site. It must be installed where it can be found by the PATH environment variable, such as C:\Windows. In the temporary directory where the Perl Client package was uncompressed, run these commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    nmake install
    On UNIX or Linux systems (or in a Cygwin environment on Windows):
    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
    After being installed, the top Perl client module is BuildForge::Services::DBO. See the PerlDoc for each module for more information.