Connection Possibilities Using z/VSE e-business Connectors

These are the current z/VSE e-business Connectors:
  • The Java-based connector, that allows you to implement a Java™ application that uses the VSE Connector Client class library to access all VSE file systems, submit jobs, issue console commands, and so on. An introduction is provided in Overview of the Java-Based Connector.
  • The Db2-based connector that allows you to implement a Java application that uses Db2 Connect on the physical/logical middle-tier to access VSAM and DL/I data by calling a DB2® Stored Procedure on the z/VSE host. An introduction is provided in Overview of the Db2-Based Connector.
  • The VSE Script connector that enables you to use VSE Script (batch) files containing statements written using the VSE Script language to obtain data from the z/VSE host. An introduction is provided in Overview of the VSE Script Connector.
  • The VSAM Redirector Connector that handles requests to VSAM datasets and then either redirects the requests synchronously (via the VSAM Redirector Client), or stores changes made to VSAM datasets on the z/VSE host for further processing (via the VSAM Capture Exit). An introduction is provided in Overview of the VSAM Redirector Connector.
  • The Database Call Level Interface that allows you to choose a database server (IBM® Db2, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and so on) that runs on a platform other than z/VSE. An introduction is provided in Overview of the Database Call Level Interface.
  • Simple Object Access Protocol (abbreviated to SOAP) connectivity that provides a SOAP server and a SOAP client running in CICS® on the basis of CICS Web Support. The SOAP server allows a Web service that is implemented as a CICS program, to be called from any kind of Web service client (Apache, AXIS, Microsoft .Net, C#, and so on). An introduction is provided in Overview of z/VSE Support for Web Services and SOAP.
  • The Representational State Transfer (abbreviated to REST) connectivity that provides a REST server and a REST client running in CICS on the basis of CICS Web Support. The REST server allows a RESTfull web service that is implemented as a CICS program, to be called from any kind of RESTfull web service client. An introduction is provided in Overview of z/VSE Support for REST.
  • The MQ Client Trigger Monitor that provides asynchronous communication based on the WebSphere MQ Client. An introduction is provided in Using the z/VSE MQ Client Trigger Monitor for Asynchronous Inter-Program Communication.
Figure 1 shows the connections you can make between:
  • Web clients / the middle-tier, and
  • the z/VSE host.
  1. The middle-tier can be either a physical middle-tier (such as an IBM System p processor) or a logical middle-tier (Linux on z Systems (IBM Z) on a Z mainframe).
  2. The components of the Java-based connector are shown as shaded.
  3. The Db2-based connector uses a connection between Db2 Connect on the physical/logical middle-tier and Db2 Server for VSE on the z/VSE host.
Figure 1. Overview of Connection Possibilities under z/VSE
An explanation of this figure is provided in the surrounding text.