VSE/VSAM Space Full Condition

A VSE/VSAM space full condition may be caused by one of the following:
  • A new file or library is being created but the space available is insufficient for primary allocation.
  • During processing, VSE/VSAM tries to allocate additional space to a file or library. But the space available is insufficient for a secondary allocation.
Note: VSE/VSAM allocates additional space according to the value specified for secondary allocation. For the first allocation on a volume, VSE/VSAM always uses the value specified for primary allocation.
From time to time, monitor the system's use of VSE/VSAM space. Try to prevent VSE/VSAM from reaching a situation where no more space is available. A job affected by a shortage of VSE/VSAM space is canceled. Use the Interactive Interface of z/VSE to monitor space utilization. From the File and Catalog Management panel select the Display or Process a Catalog, Space dialog. Select option:
1  (Show Space)

The display shows, for the catalog specified, the values of the catalog space and of the data space(s) per volume. Figure 1 shows a sample display. For further details on monitoring VSE/VSAM space refer to Displaying VSE/VSAM Space Usage.

You can increase the amount of available VSE/VSAM space by performing one of the following tasks: