DFH7xxx (DFHExP) command-level translator diagnostic messages

Diagnostic messages may be issued by the command-level translator (DFHEAPIø for assembler language, DFHECPIø for COBOL, DFHEDPIø for C, and DFHEPPIø for PL/I) in the course of processing programs written in assembler language, COBOL, C, or PL/I. Assembler-language messages are inserted as macro notes (MNOTES) in the translator output file and can be seen by either printing or assembling the translator output file. COBOL, C, and PL/I messages are delivered to SYSPRINT.

A diagnostic message can have three components: a message number, a severity code, and message text. Each message is of the form DFH7nnnI c line text where
  • nnn is a number,
  • I is the information message identifier,
  • c is the severity code
  • line is the line number of the error and
  • text is the text of the message.
In assembler language, COBOL, C, and PL/I, diagnostic messages can be allocated a severity code. This severity code is represented by a letter that, if present, will appear in the message immediately following the message number and preceding the message text. There are five levels of severity. Those for assembler language and PL/I are different from those for COBOL. The meanings of the codes and the associated return codes for the languages are as follows:
Assembler, C or PL/I Return code COBOL
U = Unrecoverable 16 D = Disaster
S = Severe 12 E = Error
E = Error 8 C = Conditional
W = Warning 4 W = Warning
I = Information 0 I = Information

The message text consists of the message itself, which may or may not include inserts. The inserts are positions within the message text where, in the actual message, specific information is given on the reasons for the diagnostic message. Not all the diagnostic messages, however, require inserts.

Messages issued by the command-level translator are usually self-explanatory, and DFH7000 is an example of this type of message.