
Viewing the output data set

Use the SMF Browser to view the output data set from the WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS® UNIX environment.

Before you begin

The data set should be viewed using a program that can display record type 120.

About this task

The SMF Browser is provided in the form of a JAR file named bbomsmfv.jar. The bbomsmfv.jar file is not supported by IBM®. To use it from the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS UNIX environment:


  1. Verify that the JAVA_HOME environment variable refers to the current Java™ installation:
    This must be at least Java 1.3 since this release is the first to implicitly contain the necessary record support needed by the SMF Browser.
  2. Download the SMF Browser from the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS website at: https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/preLogin.do?source=zosos390.

    The website also provides a separate batchsmf.jar file to format batch data.

  3. Copy the bbomsmfv.jar file to your tools directory.
    Be sure that any edits made to the file in the future are made to both copies of the file, or run from the installation directory in the first place.
  4. To interpret SMF data from a cataloged WebSphere Application Server for z/OS sequential file named "USER.SMFDATA" (which was previously created using the IFASMFDP utility as described previously), run:
    java -cp bbomsmfv.jar com.ibm.ws390.sm.smfview.SMF "INFILE(USER.SMFDATA)".
    It is implicit in the Java command parameterization that your current working directory is the tools directory. If this is not the case, you receive a NoClassDefFoundError on com.ibm.ws390.sm.smfview.SMF message. Java does not generate a diagnostic when it does not find the bbomsmfv.jar file in the current directory.

    A sample report is provided in Collecting job-related information with the System Management Facility (SMF).

    You can create a summary report with the PLUGIN parameter. For example, for a batch summary report:
    java -cp bbomsmfv.jar:batchsmf.jar com.ibm.ws390.sm.smfview.SMF 'INFILE(USER.SMFDATA)' 'PLUGIN(PERFSUM,STDOUT)'
    The PLUGIN keyword requires a class (DEFAULT or PERFSUM) and parameter string (STDOUT or file name, such as /tmp/SmfOutput.txt) separated by a comma.


The SMF Browser is successfully installed and invoked when you do not receive any Java error messages after the invocation and the Browser output is shown on the screen.