odrStatModule PMI counters

Use this page as a reference for properties of odrStatModule counters.

You can use the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data to monitor the behavior and performance of the odrStatModule service.

Counter definitions

Table 1. odrStatModule counter properties . This table lists the properties of odrStatModule counters.
Name and Key Description Granularity Type Level Overhead ID
TotalNumberOfRequests The total number of requests serviced by this on-demand router Per on-demand router CountStatistic Basic Low 1
CurrentOutstandingRequests The number of requests which are currently being processed by the on-demand router Per on-demand router CountStatistic Basic Low 2
PercentOfErrors The percentage as a whole number of error responses, which were returned by this on-demand router Per on-demand router CountStatistic Basic Low 3
PercentOfErrorsBackend The percentage as a whole number of error responses proxied by the on-demand router from a backend application server Per on-demand router CountStatistic Basic Low 4
TotalLocalErrorCount The total number of error responses returned by this ODR itself, not including error responses from backend application servers Per on-demand router CountStatistic Basic Low 5
PercentOfTotalLocalErrors The percentage of error responses returned by this ODR itself, not including error responses from backend application servers Per on-demand router CountStatistic Basic Low 6