Diagnostic plan action scripts

Use diagnostic plan actions to specify the troubleshooting data to collect.

Collecting troubleshooting data with diagnostic plans provides introductory information about diagnostic plans and shows how to use and view diagnostic plans with AdminControl wsadmin scripts.

The syntax for diagnostic plan actions is action1 [,action2 [, action3...]]. You can specify one or more actions. Separate actions with a comma. Diagnostic plans run one action at a time, in the order the actions are specified.

The following example uses the SET_TRACESPEC, MATCH, and DUMPBUFFER actions to collect data when the trace file gets the CWLDD0055I message.

MATCH=TRACE:CWLDD0055I*;TRACE:application deployment service is stopped *,

Diagnostic plan actions

Use the DATETIME action to pause until a specific date and time are reached. Put the absolute date and time in ISO-8601 format.
Use the DELAY action to pause for a specific number of seconds.
Use the DUMPBUFFER action to request a trace buffer dump or to do nothing if trace is not collected in the memory buffer. HPEL does not support this action.
Use the HEAPDUMP action to request a heap dump.

[HP-UX][Solaris]This action is not supported on HP-UX or Solaris.

Use the JAVACORE action to request a Java™ core dump.

[HP-UX][Solaris]This action is not supported on HP-UX or Solaris.

MATCH=matchType1 [;matchType2[;matchType3…]]
Use the MATCH action to monitor for events that occur in the server. Available matchType values are FFDC, TRACE, and TRACEEXT. The same or different match types can be used multiple times within a single MATCH action. Separate multiple match types with a semicolon (;). The MATCH action completes when the first event that matches any of the specified match types occurs in the server.
Use FFDC to monitor the server for FFDC incidents that match the specified exception from a specific source and probe. The syntax is exceptionName:sourceId:probeId with a colon (:) as delimiter.
Use TRACE to monitor the server for log, trace, and System.out calls that match the specified string. The syntax is traceString for a specific string. You can use an asterisk (*) character as a wildcard. Escape semicolons and commas with a backslash character; for example:
\;  \,

The diagnostic plan MATCH TRACE action cannot match messages that native code outputs.

[z/OS]On the z/OS® operating system, native messages with messageID cannot be matched if the match string contains BBOO00*. For example, suppose you want to match the following message:
ExtendedMessage: BBOO0222I: TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed...
Configure the diagnostic plan to look for a string in the TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed... message without including the BBOO00* part.
Use TRACEEXT to monitor the server for log and trace calls that match the specified string and are logged by the specified class name and method name. The syntax is className:methodName:traceString. You can use an asterisk (*) character as a wildcard. Escape semicolons and commas with a backslash character; for example:
\;  \,
Use the RESTORE_TRACESPEC action to change the runtime trace specification to the value that existed when the debug plan started.
SET_TRACESPEC=loggerName1=level [: loggerName2=level [: loggerName3=level…]]
Use the SET_TRACESPEC action to change the runtime trace specification to a specific value, such as *=info:com.ibm.xyz=finer.
Use the SYSTEMCORE action to request a core dump.

[HP-UX][Solaris]This action is not supported on HP-UX or Solaris.