Business-level application collection

Use this page to view and manage business-level applications.

To view this administrative console page, click Applications > Application Types > Business-level applications.

To view the values specified for an application configuration, click the application name in the list. The displayed application settings page shows the values specified. On the settings page, you can change existing configuration values and link to additional console pages that assist you in configuring the application.

To manage a business-level application, enable the Select check box that corresponds to the application name in the list and click a button:

Table 1. Button descriptions . Use the buttons to manage business-level applications.
Button Resulting action
Start Attempts to run the application. After the application starts successfully, the state of the application changes to Started if the application starts on all deployment targets, else the state changes to Partial Start.
Stop Attempts to stop the processing of the application. After the application stops successfully, the state of the application changes to Stopped if the application stops on all deployment targets, else the state changes to Partial Stop.
New Opens a wizard that helps you add assets, shared libraries, or business-level applications as composition units to your application.
Delete Deletes the application from the product configuration repository and deletes the application binaries from the file system of all nodes where the application modules are installed.

On single-server installations, deletion occurs after the configuration is saved.

On multiple-server installations, deletion occurs after the configuration is saved and synchronized with the nodes.


Specifies the name of the business-level application. Application names must be unique within a cell and cannot contain an unsupported character.


Specifies a description for the business-level application.


Indicates whether the application deployed on the application server is started, stopped, or unknown.

Table 2. Application status . The status indicates whether the application is running.
Icon Application status Description
Started Started Application is running.
Partial Start Partial start Application is in the process of changing from a Stopped state to a Started state. Application is starting to run but is not fully running yet. Or, it cannot fully start because a server mapped to one or more application modules is stopped.
Stopped Stopped Application is not running.
Partial Stop Partial stop Application is in the process of changing from a Started state to a Stopped state. Application has not stopped running yet.
Unknown Unknown Status cannot be determined.

[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows]On single-server installations, an application with an unknown status might, in fact, be running but have an unknown status because the server running the administrative console cannot communicate with the server running the application.

Pending Pending Status is temporarily unknown pending an event that a user did not initiate, such as pending an asynchronous call.
Not applicable Not applicable Application does not provide information as to whether it is running.

The status of an application on a web server is always Unknown.