IMS Queue Control Facility main menu panel

Use this panel to select an IMS Queue Control Facility function and its related tasks.

Panel IQCP00 shows the Main Menu panel for IMS Queue Control Facility.

This panel allows you to select a function and its related tasks.

Attention: If you press the Attn key while waiting for a response from IMS Queue Control Facility, IMS Queue Control Facility might become inoperable or the ISPF panels might become inaccessible. To resolve this issue, refresh IMS Queue Control Facility.
Attention: The options under Queue Overflow Protection Functions on the Main Menu panel that appear in bold text apply to messages in nonshared queues only. In a shared-queues environment, the Queue Overflow Protection Tasks 4, 5, and 6 will not be activated and you will be unable to choose them.

The options under Queue Overflow Protection Functions on the Main Menu panel apply to messages with an in-process status that is incomplete. In process, uncommitted tasks can continue to request more space in the message queue.

The queue space overflow protection logic monitors the queues and determines the actions to be performed on the in-process, uncommitted tasks and on the complete, committed messages. The actions are performed after area thresholds and the thresholds that you set for queue usage are crossed.

Function 4 displays waited messages only after the queue space overflow protection logic determines that a task must wait.

Figure 1. Main Menu panel (IQCP00)
   Preferences  Help                                                    
 IQCP00                          QCF Main Menu
 Option ===> 

 Select an option or press END to exit.                           
                                                   APAR . . : PH19814 2020/01/
 Server . . :                                      JDTE . . : 2020.016         
 IMS ID . . :                                      TIME . . : 09:56:59 
                                                   DATE . . : 2020/01/16
                                                      Server and IMS selection 
  0   Select - PLEX, Server and IMS to be used                                 
      Transaction Queue Interactive Functions                                  
  1   Status - IMS environment and queue statistics                            
  2   Query  - List destinations with queued messages                          
  3   Load   - Re-insert removed queued messages                               
  3a  View   - View unloaded messages data set           

      Queue Overflow Protection Functions                         
  4   Wait   - List and operate on waited tasks                    
  5   Tables - View, modify, and load overflow parameters         
  6   Notify - Modify queue space utilization notification parameters          

Option 6 is active, so mutually exclusive option 5 is unavailable

For more information about how to use the IMS Queue Control Facility Main Menu panel, use the Help pull-down menu. For detailed field-level help, press the Help key with your cursor on the field in question.

The following figure illustrates these differences between Transaction Queue Interactive Functions and Queue Overflow Protection Functions:

Figure 2. QSUN message queue processing
This diagram illustrates these differences between Function 2, Transaction Queue Interactive Functions and Function 4, Queue Overflow Protection Functions. This diagram shows messages enqueued and ready for processing on the left side: Transactions, Terminals, MSC links, APPC output, OTMA output, ad Dead Queue output. This diagram shows tasks in-process but not complete on the right side: Programs, Terminals, MSC links, APPC sessions, and OTMA sessions. Between these two lists this diagram shows that messages are sent to local queue buffers from both sides and then are sent to queue data sets (QBLK, SMSGQ, LMSGQ) on the left side only. From the right side of the tasks in-process but not complete, an arrow points down to QSUN waited list.

From the Main Menu panel, if you choose the Preferences pull-down menu, a pull-down list is displayed, giving you the option to change your session preferences or to restore your session default preferences:

Figure 3. IMS Queue Control Facility Main Menu with Preferences pull-down list displayed

   Preferences  Help                                                            
  _______________________________________________  ____________________________ 
 |    1. Change QCF session preferences          |                              
 |    2. Restore QCF session default preferences |                              
 Select an option or press END to exit.                                         
                                                   APAR . . : PH19814 2020/01/
 Server . . :                                      JDTE . . : 2020.016          
 IMS ID . . :                                      TIME . . : 17:00:18          
                                                   DATE . . : 2020/01/16        
      Server and IMS selection                                                  
  0   Select - PLEX, Server and IMS to be used                                  
      Transaction Queue Interactive Functions...                                
If you choose option 1 - Change QCF session preferences, the following Update Defaults dialog box is displayed:
Figure 4. Update Defaults (IQCP34V) dialog box

  IQCP34V                      Update Defaults                                 
  Command ===>                                             Scroll ===> PAGE    
  Press END to save updates                                                    
                                            APAR . . : PH19814 2020/01/        
   QCF Product Default Preferences                                             
  Edit QCF            Display GMT as      Include MVSID in    Include IMSID    
  generated stmts     local time          DSNames             in DSNames       
  Y  (Default = Y)    N  (Default = N)    Y  (Default = Y)    Y  (Default =    
  Maximum Number of messages to be added to the display at one time:           
  03000  (Numeric value 00005 to 99999, default is 03000)                      
   Permanent msg UNLOAD work data set high lvl qualifier or blank              
   Permanent SCRAPLOG work data set high level qualifier or blank              
  Plex Names   PLEX1                                                           

A single TSO client can connect to a maximum of 16 IMSplexes. A new IMSplex can be added or an existing IMSplex can be deleted by using option 1. Up to 16 IMSplex names can be entered in panel IQCP34V and they are saved in the TSO user profile. If there are no existing IMSplexes in the profile, the IMSplex name in the starting script is added to the list and the list is saved.

Note: GMT means Greenwich mean time.

For more information about how to use the Update Defaults dialog, use the Help pull-down menu. For detailed field-level help, press the Help key with your cursor on the field in question.

When you are finished with the Update Defaults dialog, press your Exit key and the Main Menu panel is displayed again.

If you choose option 2 - Restore QCF session default preferences from the Preferences pull-down menu and answer Yes to the prompt, your session default preferences are restored.

The QCF Main Menu panel is displayed again with messages stating that your session defaults have been restored and to what your session defaults have been restored:

Figure 5. QCF Main Menu

   Preferences  Help                                                            
 IQCP00                          QCF Main Menu                                  
 Option ===>                                                                    
 Select an option or press END to exit.                                         
                                                   APAR . . : PH19814 2020/01/  
 Server . . : ________                             JDTE . . : 2020.016          
 IMS ID . . : ________                             TIME . . : 17:15:08          
                                                   DATE . . : 2020/01/16        
                                                                    More:     + 
      Server and IMS selection                                                  
  0   Select - PLEX, Server and IMS to be used                                  
      Transaction Queue Interactive Functions                                   
! Default settings restored to:                                             !   
! -Edit QCF generated control statements.                                   !   
! -Do not display times in GMT on QCF panels.                               !   
! -03000 for number of messages to be added to the current display.         !   
! -Permanent messages work data set name high level qualifier not provided. !   
! -Permanent SCRAPLOG work data set name high level qualifier not provided. !   
  6   Notify - Modify queue space utilization notification parameters