Program structure

HD Tuning Aid consists of two programs plus a DFSORT execution.

  • FABTROOT produces the Actual Roots per Block report. It also creates the RAPSIN data set that is used as input to DFSORT.
  • DFSORT is used to sort the RAPSIN data set.
  • FABTRAPS produces the Assigned Roots per RAP report and the Assigned Roots per Block report.
If any of the following conditions are met, the FABTROOT program must be run under the IMS batch region controller:
  • The database is a HALDB.
  • The database is a non-HALDB and a user randomizing routine requires access to IMS control blocks.
  • The IMS management of ACBs is enabled.

Otherwise, both programs (FABTROOT and FABTRAPS) run as standard batch jobs.

HD Tuning Aid can run with multiple IMS versions/releases without reinstalling the product, as far as the version/release is supported.