Data flow

The data flow of HD Tuning Aid differs by the type of database to be processed.

Data flow for non-HALDB

The following figure shows the HD Tuning Aid data flow for a non-HALDB.

Figure 1. HD Tuning Aid data flow for non-HALDB
This figure depicts the data flow for HD Tuning Aid for non-HALDB. HD Tuning Aid reads the root keys and reports the statistics of the keys.

The HD Tuning Aid reads control statements from the CTL data set, root keys from a data set that is created by the SCAN process of HD Pointer Checker, and information about processing databases from the DBD/PSB library of IMS or from the IMS directory. The process consists of three JOB steps. Some of the reports are generated by the first step. To create the rest of the reports, the first step writes data into a work data set, which is passed to DFSORT utilities to be sorted and fed to the last step.

Data flow for HALDB

The following figure shows the HD Tuning Aid data flow for a HALDB. In case of a HALDB, the HD Tuning Aid gets access to the RECON data sets and IMS RESLIB to retrieve information about the HALDB.

Figure 2. HD Tuning Aid data flow for HALDB
This figure depicts the data flow for HD Tuning Aid for HALDB. HD Tuning Aid reads the root keys and reports the statistics of the keys.