DD statement description

This reference topic provides a complete description of the FABPMAIN DD statements.

DD statements for input and output data sets

This DD defines the following input data sets:
  • The library that contains the IMS HP Pointer Checker load modules (required)
  • IMS Tools Base library (SGLXLOAD) of IMS Tools Base 1.6 or later if the IMS management of ACBs is enabled
  • IMS RESLIB (required)
  • The library that contains the partition selection exit routine (optional)
  • The library that contains the DFSMDA members for dynamic allocation (optional)
    Tip: If you specify EXEC PGM=FABPPC00 and you do not want to APF-authorize the library that contains the DFSMDA members for the database data sets of non-HALDBs and RECON data sets, specify the MDA library on the IMSDALIB DD statement.
    • To use the DFSMDA member for allocating the IMS catalog partition definition data set (DFSHDBSC), specify the MDA library on the STEPLIB DD statement.
    • To use the DFSMDA member for allocating the system data sets of the IMS catalog, including the IMS directory data sets, the bootstrap data set, and the staging data set, specify the MDA library on the STEPLIB DD statement.
  • The library that contains the DBRC SCI Registration exit routine (optional)
  • The library that contains the Catalog Definition exit routine (optional)
To use the following functions with HD Pointer Checker, you must concatenate the appropriate load module libraries to the STEPLIB DD:
  • The IMS Library Integrity Utilities library, to print DBD source code or DBD map to the report
  • The IMS Tools Knowledge Base library, to store the reports in the IMS Tools KB Output repository
  • The following additional libraries to use the Integrated DB Sensor function:
    • The IMS Database Solution Pack library or the IMS Database Utility Solution library (SHPSLMD0 data set, which includes DB Sensor)
    • The IMS Tools Knowledge Base library
    • The IMS Tools Online System Interface and IMS Generic Exits libraries, to collect the latest VSAM statistics from IMS online full-function databases
  • The IMS Tools Online System Interface and IMS Generic Exits libraries, to monitor the latest VSAM statistics from IMS online full-function databases by using Space Monitor
  • If the input you are using is an image copy data set compressed by IMS HP Image Copy, the STEPLIB DD data set also must contain the data compression module, FABJCMP1 or FABJCMP2, that was used when the image copy was taken.
  • If you specify PGM=FABPPC00 on the EXEC statement, all of the libraries that are specified on the STEPLIB DD statement must be APF-authorized.
This required input data set contains the IMS load modules.
This required input data set contains the buffer information required by the DL/I buffer handler.
Recommendation: It is recommended that you specify the minimum required number of buffers and the minimum required buffer size in the DFSVSAMP data set.
This required input data set contains the user-specified control statements that define the process type, process options, and databases to be processed by the HD Pointer Checker processor. For more information, see FABPMAIN PROCCTL data set.
This input data set contains the user-specified control statements that are processed by the BLOCKMAP processor. This DD statement is required when TYPE=BLKMAP is specified. For more information, see FABPMAIN BLKMAPIN data set.
This optional input data set contains the control statements that you specify to define the return code of the HD Pointer Checker processor. For more information, see FABPMAIN HPSRETCD data set.
This optional input data set is a library (partitioned data set) that contains your PSB and DBD load modules. It is required when HD Pointer Checker runs with ULU or DLI specified in the EXEC parameter except when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled. If ULU is specified, it must contain the DBD library. If DLI is specified, it must contain the PSB and DBD libraries. It must contain all DBDs that are referenced (either directly or indirectly) by your PSB. If your PSB and DBDs are not in the same library, all appropriate libraries must be concatenated. When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, HD Pointer Checker ignores this DD statement.
This optional input data set is the IMS.ACBLIB (partitioned data set). You must code this DD statement if HD Pointer Checker runs in the DBB region except when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled. When the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, HD Pointer Checker ignores this DD statement.
This optional input data set contains the DFSMDA members for dynamically allocating the database data sets of non-HALDBs and RECON data sets. This DD statement is effective when you specify EXEC PGM=FABPPC00. Otherwise, this DD statement is ignored.

When you specify EXEC PGM=FABPPC00, all the data sets in the STEPLIB concatenation, including the MDA library, must be APF-authorized. If you do not want to APF-authorize the MDA library, use the IMSDALIB DD statement to specify the MDA library. If DFSMDA members are found in both the STEPLIB DD and the IMSDALIB DD, the DFSMDA member found in the IMSDALIB DD is used.

This optional input data set is a library (a partitioned data set) that contains the following user exit load modules:
  • HDAM and PHDAM randomizing modules. It is processed when you process the HDAM/PHDAM databases and when you check the HDAM/PHDAM home addresses.
  • Segment edit/compression exit routine, if it is specified in the DBD.
  • Secondary index maintenance exit routine, if it is specified in the DBD.
  • FABPZWTO, if you want to use the FABPZWTO routine.
Requirement: If you specify PGM=FABPPC00 on the EXEC statement, all of the libraries that are specified on the IMS2 DD statement must be APF-authorized.
Note: When IMS2 DD statement is omitted, the user exit load modules are loaded from the STEPLIB, JOBLIB, or LINKLIST library.
This optional input data set is the IMS catalog partition definition data set.
You must specify the data set in which the IMS catalog database is defined when either of the following conditions is true:
  • The IMS management of ACBs is enabled and the IMS catalog database is not registered in the RECON data sets.
  • You run HD Pointer Checker for an IMS catalog database that is not registered in the RECON data sets.
If you omit this DD statement, the DFSHDBSC data set is allocated dynamically by the DFSMDA member. In this case, the DFSMDA member found in the STEPLIB DD is used for dynamic allocation.
This optional input data set is the IMS PROCLIB data set.

You must specify the IMS PROCLIB data set that contains the DFSDFxxx member when you specify the DFSDF=xxx subparameter on the EXEC PARM parameter.

ddname DD
This optional input data set is the IMS database data set. There is one DD statement for each HISAM, index (the HIDAM index or the secondary index), HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, PHIDAM, or PSINDEX database data set to be processed. You must use the ddname that is specified in the DBD.

The actual data set can be a real database, an image copy, an image copy compressed with IMS HP Image Copy, a Fast Recovery image copy taken with IMS HP Image Copy, or an image copy taken with the Database Image Copy 2 utility (DFSUDMT0).

The DATASET=REAL|IMAGECOPY parameter of the DATABASE statement in the PROCCTL data set must match the type of the specified data set. If ddname DD is not specified, HD Pointer Checker allocates dynamically the database data sets or the image copy data sets to be processed. For details, see Dynamic allocation of database data sets and image copy data sets.

Recommendation: It is recommended that you omit the DD statement for database data set or image copy data set because an appropriate database data set or the latest image copy data set will be selected and allocated dynamically by HD Pointer Checker.
Consideration for Online Reorganization (OLR) of HALDB:
If the database is online reorganization capable and you need to process the data set other than the one allocated dynamically, do as follows:
  • For the real database data set, specify the DD name of the active DBDS.
  • For the image copy data set, specify the DD name that matches the DD parameter of the DATABASE statement in the PROCCTL data set. If DD=*ALL is specified or the DD parameter is omitted, the DD name is assumed as that of the A through J or X data set group.
These optional data sets make up the DBRC RECON data sets. RECON data sets are required when you run HD Pointer Checker against a HALDB or when you want to have image copy data sets allocated dynamically. If you omit these DD statements, the RECON data sets are allocated dynamically by the DFSMDA member. In this case, the DFSMDA member found in the STEPLIB DD or IMSDALIB DD is used for dynamic allocation. If DFSMDA members are found in both the STEPLIB DD and the IMSDALIB DD, the DFSMDA member found in the IMSDALIB DD is used.
This optional data set defines the HISTORY data set (VSAM KSDS), which is the input to the DB Historical Data Analyzer utility and the Space Monitor utility of IMS HP Pointer Checker.

This data set is required if the HISTORY option is specified on the OPTION statement. The HISTORY data set must be allocated and initialized by the DB Historical Data Analyzer utility before you start an HD Pointer Checker run. DISP=SHR must be used.

If a multiple entries option of the HISTORY data set is activated by the DB Historical Data Analyzer utility, one or more database data set entries are taken per day.

For more information about the HISTORY data set, see HISTORY data set (HISTORY).

This optional output data set contains root segment keys that are used by module FABTROOT of the HD Tuning Aid utility. The LRECL, BLKSIZE, and RECFM must be coded on the DD statement. The data set is required when KEYSIN=YES is specified on the OPTION statement in the PROCCTL data set.

RECFM=VB is recommended.

This output data set contains the repair information records for repairing corrupted HALDB partition reorganization numbers, duplicate ILKs, and potentially duplicate ILKs in HALDB databases. This data set is required by the ILK Repair utility of IMS Database Repair Facility when you repair HALDB databases with such problems. For more information about repairing such problems, see Repairing HALDB partition reorganization numbers and duplicate ILKs.

This DD statement must be specified if you specify REPAIRILK=YES on the PROC statement in the PROCCTL data set. The data set that is specified by this DD statement must have the following attributes: RECFM=FB, LRECL=80.

This required statement defines the primary system log data set. When HD Pointer Checker runs in a ULU region, you can code this DD as DUMMY.
When HD Pointer Checker runs in a DLI or DBB region, you can code DUMMY in most cases, however, you must specify the log data set when both of the following conditions are met:
  • DBRC is active
  • The referred PCB has an update intent PROCOPT
This required output data set contains the primary reports that are produced by the HISAM, INDEX, HDAM/HIDAM, PHDAM/PHIDAM, and PSINDEX processes. If the BLKSIZE is coded on the DD statement, it must be a multiple of 133.
This required output data set contains some of the statistical reports that the HISAM, HDAM/HIDAM, and PHDAM/PHIDAM processes produce. If BLKSIZE is coded on the DD statement, it must be a multiple of 133.
This required output data set contains the legends and the validation reports produced by the HISAM, INDEX, HDAM/HIDAM, PHDAM/PHIDAM, PHIDAM, and CHECK processes. If BLKSIZE is coded on the DD statement, it must be a multiple of 133.
This required output data set contains evaluation reports (produced by the CHECK process, the HASH option, or the Index Key option) and the Pointer Chain Reconstruction report (produced by the BLOCKMAP process). If BLKSIZE is coded on the DD statement, it must be a multiple of 133.
This optional output data set contains evaluation reports (produced by the SYMIXCHK and SYMLPCHK options of the PROC statement). If this DD statement is omitted, HD Pointer Checker writes the reports to SYSOUT=*. If BLKSIZE is coded on the DD statement, it must be a multiple of 133.
This optional data set contains the reports issued by the EPS healing process and the evaluation of ILKs process. If BLKSIZE is coded, it must be a multiple of 133. You must specify this DD statement when you process HALDBs.
This required output data set contains the block maps and block dumps that the HDAM/HIDAM, PHDAM/PHIDAM, and BLOCKMAP processes produce. It also contains a dump of some internal control blocks used in the HISAM, INDEX, HDAM/HIDAM, PHDAM/PHIDAM, and PSINDEX processes. If BLKSIZE is coded on the DD statement, it must be a multiple of 133.
This required output data set contains the HD Pointer Checker Summary report produced by the HD Pointer Checker processor. It also contains the HD Pointer Checker Message Summary report. If BLKSIZE is coded on the DD statement, it must be a multiple of 133.
This optional output data set contains the messages and the DBD sources produced by IMS Library Integrity Utilities if DECODEDBD=YES is specified on the REPORT statement. This data set is dynamically allocated if the DD statement in the JCL is omitted and if DECODEDBD=YES is specified on the REPORT statement.
This optional output data set contains the messages and the DBD maps produced by IMS Library Integrity Utilities if MAPDBD=YES is specified on the REPORT statement. This data set is dynamically allocated if the DD statement in the JCL is omitted and if MAPDBD=YES is specified on the REPORT statement.
SYSOUTnn DD (nn=01 - 99)
This optional output data set contains the messages that are produced by DFSORT. If the DD statements in the JCL are omitted, these data sets are dynamically allocated by HD Pointer Checker.
DFSORT uses intermediate storage data sets. If the DD statements in the JCL are omitted, these data sets are dynamically allocated by DFSORT. The value nn is numbered by DFSORT. For more information about how to code these DD statements, see z/OS® DFSORT Application Programming Guide.
This optional output data set defines the output from a system ABEND dump routine. It is used only when a dump is required. Although optional, it is recommended that you include this data set.

DD statements for calling Space Monitor

HD Pointer Checker can call Space Monitor when SPMNIN and SPMNSPDT DD statements are specified in FABPMAIN JCL, or when the SPMNSPDT DD statement and OPTION SPMN=YES is specified in the PROCCTL data set.

This optional input data set contains the control statements for the Space Monitor utility.

The SPMNMBR DD and FABKCTL DD statements, which are DD statements for Space Monitor, cannot be specified for the FABPMAIN JCL. Only SPMNIN can be used.

This input and output sequential data set is the Space Monitor graph record data set. If you want to call Space Monitor, you must code this DD statement.

For more information about these DD statements, see FABKSPMN JCL.

DD statements for work data sets

These data set are generated by the SCAN process of HISAM, HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, PHIDAM (excluding primary index), and secondary indexes that have an overflow data set.

The data sets are used as the input for the CHECK process. They are not used in the following processes:

  • HASH Check
  • Scan tasks that are used solely for primary indexes or secondary indexes that have no overflow data sets
These optional work data sets are generated by the SCAN process of the index target segment in HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, or PHIDAM when PROC TYPE=ALL or TYPE=SCAN is specified with IXKEYCHK=YES and HASH=NO. These data sets are used as an input for the CHECK process.
These optional work data sets are generated by the SCAN process of the index source segment in HISAM, HDAM, HIDAM, PHDAM, PHIDAM, and the index database when PROC TYPE=ALL or TYPE=SCAN is specified with IXKEYCHK=YES and HASH=NO. These data sets are used as an input for the CHECK process.
These optional work data sets are generated by the SCAN process when TYPE=SCAN is specified with EPSCHK=YES (the default option for HALDBs) and the target database is PHDAM or PHIDAM that has logical relationships, or PSINDEX. These data sets are used as an input for the CHECK process.
This data set is generated by the SCAN process when PROC TYPE=SCAN is specified. One data set is created in each TYPE=SCAN step. It becomes an input for the CHECK process that is specified with PROC TYPE=CHECK.
These input data sets are used by the CHECK process when PROC TYPE=CHECK is specified. The SORTEX01 data set is generated in advance by each scan job. Specify that data set as SORTEXnn DD (where nn is a serial number, starting from 01).
This work data set is used in the CHECK process when PROC TYPE=ALL or TYPE=SCAN is specified with IXKEYCHK=YES and HASH=NO.
A data set that is generated by the CHECK process to create maps and dumps of the database. When you specify PROC TYPE=ALL or PROC TYPE=CHECK, the specification of the DD statement differs depending on the value you specify for the CHECKREC keyword.
This data set is required for the input of the process PROC TYPE=BLKMAP. You must specify this DD on the JCL statement because HD Pointer Checker does not allocate it dynamically.
Because the size of the data set is small, HD Pointer Checker allocates it dynamically. You do not need to specify this DD on the JCL statement.
If you specify PROC TYPE=BLKMAP, the CHECKREC data set generated for CHECKREC=YES in the preceding process PROC TYPE=ALL or TYPE=CHECK is required as input.
A required work data set that contains the control statements that are generated by the CHECK process and used by the BLOCKMAP process. LRECL must be 40, and BLKSIZE must be a multiple of 40.

Besides these data sets, HD Pointer Checker allocates the following data sets dynamically and uses them as temporary data sets. You do not need to specify them in the JCL stream, but you must not use these names in your JCL statements because they are used by HD Pointer Checker.

  • STATIPnn DD (nn=01, 02, 03, ...)
  • VALIDPnn DD (nn=01, 02, 03, ...)
  • SNAPPInn DD (nn=01, 02, 03, ...)
  • EVALIPnn DD (nn=01, 02, 03, ...)
  • FSESTAnn DD (nn=01, 02, 03, ...)

For other DD statements used by IMS Library Integrity Utilities when REPORT DECODEDBD=YES or MAPDBD=YES is specified, see the IMS Library Integrity Utilities User's Guide.

For DB Sensor DD statements (used when SENSOR=YES is specified), see the IMS Solution Packs Data Sensor User's Guide.

As a general rule, DD names that start with HKT are reserved for IBM® use.