Estimating the sizes of work data sets for HD Pointer Checker automatically

HD Pointer Checker can estimate the approximate sizes of some work data sets that HD Pointer Checker dynamically allocates in a pointer check job. You can use the estimates to specify the data class, storage class, or the DD statements for the work data sets.

About this task

By running an HD Pointer Checker job with processing type TYPE=ESTIMATE_WK, you can estimate the approximate sizes required for the work data sets that will be dynamically allocated by HD Pointer Checker in a TYPE=ALL job. The sizes of the work data sets that are associated with the following DD statements are estimated:
  • MERGINnn
  • MERGI2nn
  • SORTE2nn
  • IXKEY 
For the sizes of other work data sets, you can estimate them manually. See Estimating the sizes of work data sets for HD Pointer Checker manually.


  1. Create JCL for HD Pointer Checker or select existing HD Pointer Checker JCL. You can use JCL that has PROC TYPE=ALL or PROC TYPE=SCAN as the processing type.

    For information about creating JCL, see Running HD Pointer Checker.

    You must ensure that the DD statements, except for the DD statements for work data sets, are correctly coded. Also, ensure that the control statements are correctly coded.

    The sizes of work data sets and whether a work data set is used depends on which statements are coded in the JCL. Ensure that all the statements that you will use in the pointer check job are present in the JCL. However, the DD statements for work data sets do not need to be coded at this point. When HD Pointer Checker estimates the sizes of work data sets, it does not refer to the DD statements associated with work data sets.

  2. Create a copy of the JCL and modify the copy as follows:
    1. Change TYPE=ALL or TYPE=SCAN to TYPE=ESTIMATE_WK in the PROCCTL data set. For more information about the TYPE=ESTIMATE_WK option, see PROC statement.
    2. If the input data set is a tape image copy, specify the original database data set size for the OPTION DSSIZE parameter.
  3. Submit the JCL.

    HD Pointer Checker estimates the size that is required for each work data set based on the sizes of input database data sets or the OPTION DSSIZE parameter if the parameter is specified.

  4. Browse the PROCCTL statement report and locate the ESTIMATED SIZES OF WORK DATA SETS part.

    The ESTIMATED SIZES OF WORK DATA SETS part contains the estimated size for each work data set. See PROCCTL Statements report to interpret the PROCCTL statement report.

What to do next

If you want to specify the data class, storage class, or DD statements for the work data sets, specify them in the original JCL. Then, submit the original JCL to run the pointer check job.