Processing environment

Verify that your hardware and software meet or exceed the minimum requirements, and install IMS HP Pointer Checker by using the SMP/E RECEIVE, APPLY, and ACCEPT commands.

Complete information about installation requirements, prerequisites, and procedures for IMS HP Pointer Checker is in the Program Directory for IBM IMS High Performance Pointer Checker for z/OS 3.1, GI10-8783.

Hardware requirements

The hardware requirements are the same as those for IMS.

For DB Historical Data Analyzer, the option to produce charts on a display terminal requires a terminal that is supported by GDDM Interactive Chart Utility (ICU).

Software requirements

IMS HP Pointer Checker for z/OS® 3.1 operates in z/OS 2.1 (5650-ZOS) or later.

IMS HP Pointer Checker for z/OS 3.1 requires one of the currently supported versions of IMS or IMS Database Value Unit Edition.

The following list provides the software requirements for each utility:

HD Pointer Checker utility
DFSORT (Data Facility Sort), which is a part of z/OS, or a functionally equivalent sort and merge program is required.
The following list provides conditional requirements:
  • To use the MAPDBD or the DECODEDBD functions, one of the following products must be installed:
    • IBM® IMS Library Integrity Utilities for z/OS 2.2 or later (5655-U08)
    • IMS Library Integrity Utilities (5655-U08) in IBM IMS Database Solution Pack for z/OS 2.2 or later (5655-DSP)
    • IMS Library Integrity Utilities (5655-U08) in IBM IMS Database Utility Solution for z/OS 2.1 or later (5698-DUL)
  • To use the full-function database HASH Check option within an image copy job, one of the following products must be installed:
    • IBM IMS High Performance Image Copy for z/OS 4.2 (5655-N45)
    • IMS High Performance Image Copy (5655-N45) in IBM IMS Database Solution Pack for z/OS 2.2 or later (5655-DSP)
    • IMS High Performance Image Copy (5655-N45) in IBM IMS Database Utility Solution for z/OS 2.1 or later (5698-DUL)
    • IMS High Performance Image Copy (5655-N45) in IBM IMS Recovery Solution Pack for z/OS 2.1 or later (5655-ISR)
  • To use the HASH Check option in an IMS Database Reorganization Expert job, one of the following products must be installed:
    • IBM IMS Database Reorganization Expert for z/OS 4.1 (5655-S35)
    • IMS Database Reorganization Expert (5655-S35) in IBM IMS Database Solution Pack for z/OS 2.2 or later (5655-DSP)
    • IMS Database Reorganization Expert (5655-S35) in IBM IMS Database Utility Solution for z/OS 2.1 or later (5698-DUL)
  • To use the HASH Check option in an IMS Online Reorganization Facility job, IMS Online Reorganization Facility in IBM IMS Database Solution Pack for z/OS 2.2 (5655-DSP) must be installed.
  • To use the HASH Check option in an IMS Database Recovery Facility job, IMS Database Recovery Facility in IBM IMS Recovery Solution Pack for z/OS 2.1 (5655-ISR) or later must be installed.
  • If the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 or later (5655-V93) must be installed.
  • To store reports in the IMS Tools KB Output repository, IMS Tools Knowledge Base in IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 or later must be installed.
  • To use the Integrated DB Sensor function, the Database Sensor component in one of the following products must be installed:
    • IBM IMS Database Solution Pack for z/OS 2.2 or later (5655-DSP)
    • IBM IMS Database Utility Solution for z/OS 2.1 or later (5698-DUL)
HD Tuning Aid utility
  • DFSORT (Data Facility Sort), which is a part of z/OS, or a functionally equivalent sort and merge program is required.
  • If the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 or later must be installed.
DB Historical Data Analyzer utility
Requires GDDM-PGF, which is a part of z/OS, to optionally produce charts on a display terminal.
Space Monitor utility
DFSORT (Data Facility Sort), which is a part of z/OS, or a functionally equivalent sort and merge program is required.
To monitor space utilization statistics about IMS online full-function database data sets, the IMS Tools Online System Interface that is provided in IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 or later must be installed.
To provide control statements through the FABKCTL data set when the IMS management of ACBs is enabled, IBM IMS Tools Base for z/OS 1.7 or later must be installed.