Listing the options data set (batch list utility)

The batch list utility (IZTLIST) creates a report of the contents of the options data set, and optionally creates control cards that can be used as input to the batch update utility (IZTUD1U0).

Batch update utility (IZTUD1U0) control cards can be created for SLU1 console, SLU2/3270, SLUP/3600/FINANCE, user, printer LTERM, APPC routing, time-of-day, DSF3649 RC message, IMS ETO Support security, and global records in the options data set.

The creation of control cards for the batch update utility is controlled by PARM statement input. If no PARM data is entered, IZTLIST does not create Batch Update utility control cards. If PARM data is supplied, IZTLIST creates control cards for only the requested entries.

PARM statement syntax and entry values

The first 6 bytes of the PARM statement must contain PUNCH(, and the PARM statement must end with a closing parenthesis ")". The remainder of the PARM data must contain the names of the options data set entries for which the batch update utility control cards are to be created. Each entry name must be separated by a comma.

The following values can be entered in the PARM statement:

Use this statement to create Batch Update utility control cards for all options data set records.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the APPC Refresh Routing table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the SLU1 CONSOLE table entries. This includes the SLU1 CONSOLE device default entry, as well as the SLU1 CONSOLE LUNAME entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the GLOBAL entry.
Use this value to create Batch Update utility control cards for IMSID-based suffix table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update Utility control cards for the Logon Descriptor by Logon mode table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update Utility control statements for LTERM ABEND table entries.
Use this value to create batch update utility control cards for LU 6.1 (ISC) device, LUNAME, and user ID table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the DFS3649A RC Error Message table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update Utility control statements for OTMA table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for PRINTER LTERM table entries.
Use this value to create Batch Update Utility control statements for PSB/return code (DFSBSEX0) table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the IMS ETO Support Security table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the SLU2/3270 table entries. This includes the SLU2/3270 device default entry, as well as the SLU2/3270 LUNAME entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the SLUP/3600/FINANCE table entries. This includes the SLUP/3600/FINANCE device default entry, as well as the SLUP/3600/FINANCE LUNAME entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the time-of-day table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update Utility control statements for transaction ABEND table entries.
Use this value to create Batch Update Utility control statements for transaction/return code (DFSBSEX0) table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update utility control cards for the USER table entries.
Use this value to create the Batch Update Utility control statements for VTAM® user data entries.

Example JCL and JCL specifications

The options data set can be specified in the JCL or dynamically allocated. The JCL specification takes precedence over dynamic allocation.

If you want dynamic allocation, the options data set DFSMDA member needs to be included in the STEPLIB concatenation.

The following example JCL creates only the report listing:


The following example JCL creates the report listing and Batch Update Utility control cards for the entries specified on the PARM statement (SLU2,USER,SLUP,GLOBAL, PRINTER,CONSOLE):

//IZTPUNCH  DD  DISP=OLD,DSN=anydsn      

The IZTPUNCH data set has an LRECL of 80 and DSORG=PS. Any valid BLKSIZE is supported.