Reviewing the active OTMA routing rules in IMS Connect

When a system starts that has OTMA routing rules activated, a series of messages is written to CEXPRINT. These messages display the OTMA routing plan that is currently in effect (if any) and provides summarized information about the OTMA routing rules, OTMA routing lists, and IMS data stores that may be in use.

Note: More OTMA routing plans, OTMA routing rules, OTMA routing lists, and IMS data stores may be defined in the IMS Connect Extensions repository than are in-effect on the system. The OTMA routing rules descriptions that are written to CEXPRINT show the in-memory rules and objects that are currently in effect.
Tip: To see the effects of OTMA rules-based routing, use the following methods:

OTMA routing rules and their dependent definitions are listed using message CEX5091I. The first message that is listed is displayed below:

07.07.47 CEX5091I ---Begin OTMA routing rules descriptions---, refresh index=1---
If OTMA rules-based routing has been activated in the IMS Connect system definition, the following message is displayed:
04.40.16 CEX5091I OTMA Routing is active
If there is an active routing plan, it is listed next. In this example, OFFPEAK is the active OTMA routing plan on this system.
07.07.47 CEX5091I OTMA Routing plan is OFFPEAK                              
The OTMA routing rules that are in effect are listed next. In this example, the OTMA routing rule that is triggered by an IRM_IMSDestID of DEPS is shown. The target OTMA routing list for each message type is RLPLAW. The name of the OTMA routing rule is PLNRULEW.
07.07.47 CEX5091I OTMA routing rule for Destid=DEPS                             
07.07.47 CEX5091I Message             --Routing  Lists--                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I type      Source    Target    Fallback                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I --------  --------  --------  --------                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I TRANSACT  PLNRULEW  RLPLAW                                    
07.07.47 CEX5091I SENDONLY  PLNRULEW  RLPLAW                                    
07.07.47 CEX5091I RTPIPE    PLNRULEW  RLPLAW                                    
07.07.47 CEX5091I SYNCREQ   PLNRULEW  RLPLAW                                    
07.07.47 CEX5091I SYNCRESP  PLNRULEW  RLPLAW                                    
07.07.47 CEX5091I End of entries for OTMA routing rule                          
The next rule in effect is for workload with an IRM_IMSDestID of PROD. The rule name is OTMARULE. For each message type, workload can be distributed to IMS data stores listed in OTMA routing list RLIST1. If the data stores in RLIST1 are unavailable, the fallback data stores in RLIST2 will be used.
07.07.47 CEX5091I OTMA routing rule for Destid=PROD                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I Message             --Routing  Lists--                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I type      Source    Target    Fallback                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I --------  --------  --------  --------                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I TRANSACT  OTMARULE  RLIST1    RLIST2                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I SENDONLY  OTMARULE  RLIST1    RLIST2                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I RTPIPE    OTMARULE  RLIST1    RLIST2                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I SYNCREQ   OTMARULE  RLIST1    RLIST2                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I SYNCRESP  OTMARULE  RLIST1    RLIST2                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I End of entries for OTMA routing rule                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I ---End OTMA routing rules descriptions---                     
Finally, the OTMA routing lists are displayed in message CEX5093I. The message shows the IMS data stores listed in each OTMA routing list and the data store's capacity weight rating (CWR).
07.07.47 CEX5093I ---Begin OTMA routing list description---                     
07.07.47 CEX5093I Routing             Weight                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I lists     Datastore rating                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I --------  --------  ------                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I RLIST1    IMSA           1                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I           IMSB           1                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I RLIST2    IMSC          10                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I           IMSD          30                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I RLPLAW    IMSA           1                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I           IMSB           1                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I ---End routing list description---                            

Implied OTMA routing rules

In the following example, a rule TRNRULE has been defined that matches on an IRM_IMSDestID of PRODTRN but is also qualified by transactions listed in MYTRANS. In this situation, IMS Connect Extensions generates an additional implicit rule for the PRODTRN destination ID that is not qualified by transaction. For more information on implicit rules, see Defining OTMA routing rules.
07.07.47 CEX5091I ---Begin OTMA routing rules descriptions---, refresh          
07.07.47 CEX5091I OTMA Routing plan is EVERYDAY                              
07.07.47 CEX5091I Implied OTMA routing rule for Destid=PRODTRN                
07.07.47 CEX5091I Message             --Routing  Lists--                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I type      Source    Target    Fallback                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I --------  --------  --------  --------                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I There are no active entries                                   
07.07.47 CEX5091I OTMA routing rule for Destid=PRODTRN                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I   Rule qualifier list=MYTRANS                                
07.07.47 CEX5091I     Transaction qualifier=MY*                                
07.07.47 CEX5091I Message             --Routing  Lists--                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I type      Source    Target    Fallback                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I --------  --------  --------  --------                        
07.07.47 CEX5091I TRANSACT  TRNRULE   RLIST3                                    
07.07.47 CEX5091I SENDONLY  TRNRULE   RLIST3                                    
07.07.47 CEX5091I End of entries for OTMA routing rule                          
07.07.47 CEX5091I ---End OTMA routing rules descriptions---                     
07.07.47 CEX5093I ---Begin OTMA routing list description---                     
07.07.47 CEX5093I Routing             Weight                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I lists     Datastore rating                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I --------  --------  ------                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I RLIST3    IMSE          10                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I           IMSF          30                                    
07.07.47 CEX5093I ---End routing list description---                            
Note: You can see the contents of an IMS request message (IRM) using IBM IMS Problem Investigator for z/OS and the IMS Connect Extensions journal. For more information on IRM, see Format of user portion of IRM for HWSSMPL0, HWSSMPL1, and user-written message exit routines in the IMS user documentation. See also Reporting and analysis with IMS Problem Investigator.