Creating new Report Forms

If you want to create a form-based report or extract that contains your choice of fields, you need to create a Report Form.

To create a Report Form:

  1. On the IMS Performance Analyzer primary option menu, select option 2 Report Forms.

    The Report Forms panel is displayed, showing the list of existing Report Forms.

  2. Either:
    • On the command line, enter NEW followed by the name of the new Report Form and initialization details using the following syntax:
      Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramNEWnewnameLISTSUMMARYMODELmodelformname
    • On the action bar, select File > New. A pop-up dialog window is displayed.

    This panel prompts you for details of the new Report Form.

    The options are:

    The name of the new Report Form. A 1–8 character name in ISPF member name format. The name must be unique within the Report Forms data set.
    Select the type of Report Form or model which dictates how the new Form is to be initialized (such as the fields, order, sort sequence). Type is important since a Form can only be used by reports and extracts of compatible type:
    1. List
    Can be used for the Transaction Transit List report or extract in a LOG, or CEX Report Set.
    2. Summary
    Can be used for the Transaction Transit Summary report or extract in a LOG, or CEX Report Set.
    3. Model
    Can be used to model your new Report Form on an existing one.
    Model options:
    If you selected the new Report Form is to be modelled on an existing one, specify the name of the model Report Form and data set where it is stored. Prompt (F4) is available for both the Report Form data set name and the Report Form member name. The new Report Form will be the same type (List or Summary) and initialized with the same data fields as the model.
    List or Summary options:
    If you chose not to model on an existing form, but selected either type 1. List or 2. Summary, you must specify which fields to include in the new Report Form. The choices are:
    • Include IMS fields – for LOG reporting
    • Include Connect fields – for CEX Connect-only reporting
    • Include IMS fields and Connect fields – for CEX Combined reporting
    Specify Field Categories
    To help you specify IMS fields in your new Report Form, you can select the fields by category.

    With this option selected, the user is prompted to select one or more field categories after pressing Enter to create the report form. The following pop-up dialog window is displayed.

    Figure 1. New Report Form: selecting field categories
                 Select Field Categories 
     Select one or more categories then press Exit. 
     Transaction (TM and CICS-DBCTL):                  
     /  Identification                                
     /  Response Time                                 
     /  Resource Usage                                
        Run-time Attributes                           
        Fast Path (IFP)                               
        DLI Call breakdown                            
        Fast Path (DEDB)                              
        Update Activity                               
        OTMA and Connect                              

    Select the desired field categories, then press Exit (F3). The fields in the selected categories are then available in the Report Form. The default field categories are the selection shown in Figure 1: Transaction Identification, Response Time, and Resource Usage.

  3. When you have specified all required details, press Enter to create the Report Form.