Activating Integrity Checker

Activating Integrity Checker involves preparing the global option modules, LICON data sets, and LIU load modules, and other steps.

Before you begin

Before you activate Integrity Checker, plan an Integrity Checker configuration for your environment, as described in Planning for Integrity Checker configuration.

About this task

To activate Integrity Checker, you first prepare the global option modules and the LICON data sets. Then, by using the DBD library, ACB library, or IMS directory, register the DMB information for your databases in the LICON data set. When this registration is done, customize the LIU load modules by using either of the following methods:

  • Create an alias of the DSPCRTR0 module and add DD statements to JCL or procedures of DBRC, IMS batch application, IMS utility, and IMS Tools (recommended method).
  • Merge load modules into the IMS SDFSRESL library.

Finally, activate Integrity Checker by restarting IMS online and running IMS batch applications, IMS utilities, and IMS Tools jobs.

In both IMS batch and online environments, the steps to activate Integrity Checker are the same. These steps can be applied when you reactivate Integrity Checker after Integrity Checker is deactivated.


To activate Integrity Checker, complete the following steps: