
No LICON data set name is given by the IMS Library Integrity Utilities global option modules. You need to specify it at either the subsystem level (LIU@imsid or LIUGimsid) or the installation level (LIU@INST or LIUGINST) of the IMS Library Integrity Utilities global option modules.

System action

The IMS online subsystem that has a BPE-based DBRC region continues processing with Integrity Checker deactivated. The IMS online subsystem that has a non-BPE-based DBRC region or the IMS batch job ends abnormally. The LICON utility ends immediately with a job step return code of 16.

User response

Check whether the correct global option modules are used for the run. Check whether the data set name of the LICON data set is correctly supplied when the global option modules are defined. Correct the error, and restart IMS online subsystem or rerun the batch job. For the IMS online subsystem that has a BPE-based DBRC region, do not issue the BPE USEREXIT command until you restart the subsystem.