Applying an attention exit routine

If you want to stop processing, or if you see a message requesting information you do not have, press the attention key. Control is passed to the ATTENTION EXIT routine for interrupting or ending a process.

About this task

The BTS ATTENTION EXIT routine takes any of the following actions:
  • Receive the control in the 31 bit addressing mode
  • Put the messages BTS0102W and BTS0103A on TSO screen
  • Wait for a response from the TSO terminal operator, who must press Enter or the PA1 key

A user-written ATTENTION EXIT routine must have the CSECT name of BTSTSOAT and reside in the BTS TSO controller (BTSTSOST) load module.

IMS Batch Terminal Simulator allows you to replace its ATTENTION EXIT routine with one of your own. Your ATTENTION EXIT routine receives control in the 31 bit addressing mode.

Note: Sample JCL for replacing the BTS ATTENTION EXIT routine with your own is supplied as member BTSTSOAT in the BTS JCL library.


To replace the BTS ATTENTION EXIT routine with your own, follow these steps:

  1. Code your ATTENTION EXIT routine.
  2. Assemble your routine and link-edit it with BTSTSOST.
  3. Set the ATTNEXIT=Y parameter into the CLIST.