TASKCTL keyword

The TASKCTL keyword specifies the maximum number of IC tasks that can run in parallel.

Functions that support this keyword
Image Copy function
Statements that support this keyword
GLOBAL statement
Site default option
Related keyword
GRPLIM keyword
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramTASKCTL=(15,5)nnn(nnn, mm)
The maximum number of IC tasks that can run in parallel.

The value must be in the range of 0 - 253. When the specified value is 0, it means TASKCTL=253. The default value is 15.

If the specified database data set is of a HALDB and the database is flagged as ONLINE REORG CAPABLE in DBRC, IMS HP Image Copy automatically determines the ACTIVE DBDS and uses the active DBDS ddname as its input.

The maximum number of tasks that can run in parallel for creating the secondary image copy data set and running HASH Check. This parameter is effective when the COPY process of Advanced Image Copy Services is used. The value must be in the range of 0 - 64. When the specified value is 0, it means TASKCTL=(,64). The default value is 5.
Default value
Usage note
If you specify TASKCTL on the GLOBAL statement and GRPLIM on the GROUP statement, the total maximum task number is determined as follows:
  • If the total of the numbers specified on the GRPLIM keywords is less than the number specified on the TASKCTL keyword, the number of tasks run in parallel will be the total of the numbers that are specified by the GRPLIM keywords.
  • If the total of the GRPLIM numbers is larger than the TASKCTL number, the number of tasks run in parallel will be that specified by the TASKCTL keyword.
For example, if the following keywords are specified, six tasks are assigned for group CAG1, and four tasks are assigned for group CAG2.