Generating SQL to re-create a Db2 object (reverse engineering)

Before making changes to a Db2 object, you might find it useful to generate the SQL statements that are required to re-create that object. Generating this SQL ensures that the changes are applied to the current definition and that the original object definitions are available for fallback purposes.

About this task

This process of generating the SQL to re-create an object is called reverse engineering. When requested, the reverse engineering function (also called the GEN function) of Db2 Admin Tool extracts the SQL for an object from the Db2 catalog.

In addition to extracting the DDL (data definition language) for objects, you can also generate the DCL (data control language) for all authorizations on the objects and the DML (data manipulation language) for the catalog statistics for the objects.

Start of changeWhen you request DDL for databases, table spaces, and tables, you can request that DDL also be generated for all dependent objects, including table spaces, tables, indexes, views, synonyms, aliases, referential constraints, table check constraints, and triggers. When you request DDL for schemas, you can request that DDL also be generated for the associated distinct types, sequences, functions, global variables, stored procedures, tables, indexes, aliases, and views. Alternatively, you can specify objects that you want excluded from the generated DDL.End of change

You can generate the SQL statements online or with a batch job. Batch jobs are recommended when you extract many objects from a large catalog.

Start of changeThe DDL generator function is available as a REST API. See Provided REST APIs.End of change

  • Db2 Admin Tool does not extract IDCAMS DEFINE CLUSTER statements for VCAT-defined table spaces and indexes.
  • Start of changeWhen you reconstruct an external SQL procedure, Db2 Admin Tool cannot recover the original procedure body unless you used DSNTPSMP to create the procedure. If you used DSNTPSMP, Db2 Admin Tool can retrieve the stored procedure body from the catalog. Otherwise, if you did not use DSNTPSMP, Db2 Admin Tool cannot recreate the procedure body and replaces the original procedure body with the string "LEAVE L0". In this case, the procedure body cannot be recovered because it is not stored in the catalog. For more information about DSNTPSMP, see Creating an external SQL procedure by using DSNTPSMP (Db2 12 for z/OS).End of change
  • When the size of a native SQL procedure statement is near the 2 MB limit, sometimes Db2 Admin Tool cannot generate the DDL for the native SQL procedure statement. This situation can occur for one of the following reasons:
    • Extra options are generated: The native SQL procedure statement is created by GEN by first constructing the native SQL procedure options from the Db2 catalog and then appending the native SQL procedure body that is stored in the TEXT column of SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES. Sometimes the resulting DDL statement exceeds 2 MB. This situation can occur, because Db2 Admin Tool generated more options than were specified when the native SQL procedure was created. (More options can be generated when the DB2 defaults handling option is set to Keep.) When the 2 MB limit is exceeded, Db2 Admin Tool issues the warning message ADB1915W and generates the native SQL procedure DDL as it is stored in Db2. The resulting DDL for the native SQL procedure object is the exact contents of the TEXT column in SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES. If masking or an override was specified (such as a change owner, change schema, or Run SQLID), the ADB1916E error message is issued instead and processing stops. Processing stops, because Db2 Admin Tool cannot satisfy the 2 MB limit for the native SQL procedure DDL with the specified masks or overrides.
    • Bytes were added for formatting: Db2 Admin Tool attempts to format each DDL statement for readability. Sometimes during the formatting process, the extra bytes that were added for formatting cause the formatted statement length to exceed 2 MB. When this situation occurs, Db2 Admin Tool issues the ADB1919W warning message and generates unformatted DDL for the native SQL procedure. If masking or an override was specified (such as change owner, change schema, or Run SQLID), the ADB1920E error message is issued instead and processing stops. Processing stops, because Db2 Admin Tool cannot satisfy the 2 MB limit for the native SQL procedure DDL with the specified masks or overrides.


To generate SQL to re-create a Db2 object:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 1, and press Enter.
  2. On the System Catalog (ADB21) panel, specify any filtering criteria at the bottom of the panel and one of the following options, and press Enter:
    • D - Databases
    • S - Table spaces
    • T - Tables, views, and aliases
    • A - Aliases for tables and views
    • Y - Synonyms
    • H - Schemas
    • E - User defined data types
    • F - Functions
    • G - Storage groups
    • O - Stored procedures
    • J - Triggers
    • Q - Sequences and aliases
    • GV - Global variables

    These options support the GEN command to reverse engineer objects.

  3. On the relevant object panel, generate SQL by issuing one of the following commands:
    • To generate SQL for all of the listed objects, issue the GEN primary command.
    • To generate SQL for a single object, issue the GEN line command or the DDL line command against that object in the list.

      Start of changeThe DDL command does not provide the additional options that the GEN command provides for extracting more information, such as constraints, authorizations, or dependent objects, including triggers, labels, or comments. Instead, the DDL line command uses the default values of the GEN options. For example, pending changes are always included. For a complete list of GEN options and their default values, see Generate SQL from DB2 catalog (ADB2GENB) panel. The DDL line command is valid everywhere that the GEN line command is valid except for the Schemas (ADB21H) panel (option 1.H).End of change

    The following figure shows the GEN line command issued against a database:
    Figure 1. Databases (ADB21D) panel - Example of issuing the GEN command to reverse engineer objects
    Start of change
     DB2 Admin ------------------- DB2X Databases ---------------------- Row 1 of 4 
     Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE  
     Commands: GRANT  MIG  DIS  STA  STO  UTIL       MOVETB                                       
     Line commands:                                                                  
      T - Tables  S - Table spaces  X - Indexes  G - Storage group  ICS - IC status  
      DIS - Display database  STA - Start database  STO - Stop database  A - Auth    
      ? - Show all line commands                                                     
                              Storage  Buffer          Created      Index           
     Select Name     Owner    Group    Pool       DBID By       T E BPool    I      
            *        *        *        *             * *        * * *        *      
     ------ -------- -------- -------- -------- ------ -------- - - -------- -      
     GEN    DSN8D81A DSCGDB2  DSN8G810 BP0         258 ISTJE      E BP2      Y      
            DSN8D81E DSCGDB2  DSN8G810 BP1         260 ISTJE      U BP2      Y      
            DSN8D81P DSCGDB2  DSN8G810 BP0         259 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
            DSN8D81U DSCGDB2  DSN8G81U BP1         261 ISTJE      E BP2      N      
     ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************
    End of change
  4. If you specified the GEN line command or primary command, complete the fields on the Generate SQL from DB2 catalog (ADB2GENB) panel, and press Enter.
    For more information about this panel, see Generate SQL from DB2 catalog (ADB2GENB) panel.
    Note: For views that were created prior to DB2® 9 for z/OS® and for views with unqualified synonyms or aliases, you must enable the GEN function to generate SET CURRENT SQLID statements. To do so, take the following additional steps:
    1. Issue the G primary command.
    2. On the resulting Additional Generate Parameters (ADBPGENO) panel, specify a value in the View CURRENT SQLID method field. This value determines which qualifier GEN is to use for the generated SET CURRENT SQLID statement if it finds multiple objects in the Db2 catalog with the unqualified name. You can specify one of the following values:
      Use the qualifier of the dependent table.
      Use the qualifier of the view.

    This specified value is used to set the IMPLQUALMETHOD parameter in the batch job.

  5. If you requested that a batch job be generated, you can optionally edit the batch job to add wildcard characters or make any other necessary changes. Then submit the job to generate the requested SQL.
    For information about editing the batch job, see GEN batch jobs.
  6. If you requested TSO mode, read the displayed messages and press PF3 to exit. Then take one of the following actions depending on whether you requested that the SQL be added to a WSL:
    • If you did not request that a WSL be used, the SQL statements are displayed. Review them and run them as needed by using the EXECUTE or EXECUTENF commands.
    • If you requested that a WSL be used, navigate to the WSL to view and run the statements. For instructions, see Running a WSL.
    Note: Start of changeIf when you execute these statements, the Statement Execution Prompt (ADB2PSTM) panel is displayed (depending on your prompt options), option 1A (runs all statements) does not apply to Change Management. If you specify option 1A and request to use Change Management [on the Change Management Prompt (ADB2CMPR) panel], you must register each statement individually. You need to navigate through the Change Management Prompt (ADB2CMPR) panel and the Register Change (ADB2CMRG) panel for each statement. However, you can make each statement part of the same change by specifying the same change owner and name combination for each statement. End of change


For examples of the output that is generated when you complete these steps, see Sample output from generating SQL.