Start of change

Defining an accelerator group

Define an accelerator group when you want an accelerator-only table to be defined on more than one accelerator.

About this task

When you define an accelerator group, you define a location alias that you can use to represent multiple accelerators. That location alias is defined in the Db2 catalog table SYSIBM.LOCATIONS.


To define an accelerator group:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option Z, and press Enter.
  2. On the System Administration (ADB2Z) panel, specify option DU, and press Enter.
  3. On the Display/Update CDB panel, specify option L, and press Enter.
  4. On the Display/Update LOCATIONS panel, specify the I line command next to any location.
  5. On the Insert LOCATION (ADB2Z5LU) panel, specify the following information and press Enter:
    The accelerator group name. This name must not exceed eight characters and must consist of the characters A-Z and 0-9.
    Link name
    The names of the accelerators that you want to include in this group.
    ADB2Z5LU  ------------------- DD1A Update LOCATION ---------------------- 14:33
    Command ===>                                                                   
                                                             DB2 System: DD1A      
                                                             DB2 SQL ID: ADM001    
      Location . . . . . . ACCALIAS          > ( Location of the Remote Server    )
      Link name  . . . . . DSNACCELERATORALIAS  > (LU name, IP link name for remote
                                                   system or DSNACCELERATORALIAS  )
      Port . . . . . . . .                                     > (TCP/IP Port     )
      TP name  . . . . . .                                     > (SNA Program name)
      DBALIAS  . . . . . . IDAAS08 IDAAZ12                     > (Remote address  )
      TRUSTED  . . . . . .             (Yes/No)                                    
      SECURE . . . . . . .             (Yes/No)                                    
    Press ENTER to Update LOCATION, or PF3 to cancel Update.    
  6. If the Statement Execution Prompt (ADB2PSTM) panel is displayed, specify 1, and press Enter to execute the INSERT statement.
  7. Verify that the new location alias is displayed on the Display/Update LOCATIONS panel:
     ADB2Z5L n ------------ DD1A Display/Update LOCATIONS -------- Row 147 from 149 
                                                              DB2 System: DD1A      
     Line commands:                                                                 
      D - Delete  I - Insert  U - Update  DIS - Display location  S - Select        
      ALIAS - Aliases for location  LU - LU name  IP - IP name                      
      ILU - Insert LU  IIP - Insert IP name                                         
     Select Location         Name     Port       TP Name  DBALIAS   TRUSTED SECURE  
            *                DSNA*    *          *        *         *       *       
     ------ ---------------> -------> ---------> -------> --------> ------- ------  
            ACCALIAS         DSNACCEL                     IDAAS08 I                 
            TESTALS          DSNACCEL                     IDAAS08 I                 
            ACTESTAS         DSNACCEL                     IDAAS08                   
     ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************

What to do next

When you create or alter an accelerator-only table, you can now specify this accelerator group (location alias). The accelerator-only table is then defined in all accelerators that are associated with the group.

End of change