Start of change

Creating a Db2 REST service

You can create a new Db2 REST service in Db2 Admin Tool if you have the appropriate authority.

Before you begin


To create a Db2 REST service:

  1. On the DB2 Administration Menu (ADB2) panel, specify option 1, and press Enter.
  2. On the System Catalog (ADB21) panel, specify option RS, and press Enter.

    If no REST services exist, the Create Rest Service (ADB21RSB) panel is displayed. Skip to step 4.

    If REST services exist, the REST Services (ADB21RS) panel is displayed with information about any existing REST services:

    Figure 1. REST Services (ADB21RS) panel
     ADB21RS n ---------------------- DD1A Rest Services ---------- Row 1 to 4 of 4 
                                                                          More:    >
     Line commands:                                                                 
      DIS - Display REST service  DISG - Display REST group  F - Free service       
      K - Package  SQ - Show SQL  STA - Start REST service  STO - Stop REST service 
      ? - Show all line commands                                                    
     Sel  Collection        Name           E Description                            
          *                 *              * *                                      
     ---- ----------------> -------------- - -------------------------------------> 
          ASMCOL            ASMSELECT      Y Select department na   
          db2ar             getdb2metric   Y Select metrics for table abc   
          ASMCOL            ASMSELECT2     Y Select my tables     
          ASUCOL            ASUSELECT9     Y Select my tables      
     ******************************* END OF DB2 DATA *******************************
    Tip: If the name, collection, or version of your rest service will have lowercase characters or special characters, specify the CAPS OFF primary command on this panel before preceding to the next step.
  3. Specify the CRE or B line command, and press Enter.
  4. On the Bind Rest Service (ADB21RSB) panel or Create Rest Service (ADB21RSB) panel, specify the appropriate BIND options and press Enter:
    Figure 2. Create Rest Service (ADB21RSB) panel
    ADB21RSB                    DC1A  Create Rest Service                     11:04
    Command ===>                                                                   
                                                                       More:     + 
    Verify the BIND parameters and press ENTER to EDIT SQL statement:              
    BIND SERVICE(                                                                  
    Location . . . . . .                                                           
    Collection . . . . .                                                     
    NAME . . . . . . . .                    >                                      
    DESCRIPTION  . . . .                                                           
    OWNER  . . . . . . .            >     
    QUALIFIER  . . . . .            >                                               
    VERSION  . . . . . .                                                           
    SQLENCODING  . . . .              (EBCDIC, ASCII, UNICODE, or ccsid)           
    DATE . . . . . . . .              (EUR, ISO, JIS, LOCAL, or USA)               
    TIME . . . . . . . .              (EUR, ISO, JIS, LOCAL, or USA)               
    DEC  . . . . . . . .              (15/31)                                      
    DECDEL . . . . . . .              (PERIOD/COMMA)                               
    STRDEL . . . . . . .              (APOSTROPHE/QUOTE)                           
    ACTION . . . . . . .              (Add or blank)                               
    CURRENTDATA  . . . .              (No or blank)                                
    DEFER(PREPARE) . . .              (Yes/No)                                     
    DEGREE . . . . . . .              (1/Any)                                      
    DESCSTAT . . . . . .              (Yes or blank)         
    ENCODING . . . . . .              (UNICODE, or blank)                          
    SQLERROR . . . . . .              (NOpackage)                                  
    EXPLAIN  . . . . . .              (Yes/No)                                     
    GETACCELARCHIVE  . .              (Yes, No, or blank)                          
    IMMEDWRITE . . . . .              (Yes/No)                                     
    ISOLATION  . . . . .              (CS, RR, RS, UR, or NC)                      
    REOPT  . . . . . . .              (N - None, Y - Always, 1 - Once or A - Auto) 
    OPTHINT  . . . . . .              (hint id)                                    
    ACCELERATOR  . . . .                                                           
    PATH . . . . . . . .                                                           
    ROUNDING . . . . . .              (HalfEven, Ceiling, Down, Floor,             
                                       HalfDown, HalfUp, Up)                       
    QUERYACCELERATION  .              (N - None, EN - ENable, EL - ELigible,       
                                        EWF - EnableWithFailback, or A - All)      
    RELEASE  . . . . . .              (C - Commit, D - Deallocate, or blank)       
    VALIDATE . . . . . .              (Run or Bind, Bind preferred)                
    CONCURRENTACCESSRES               (U - Usecurrentlycommitted,                  
                                        W - Waitforoutcome)                       
    APREUSE  . . . . . .              (NONE, WARN or ERROR)                        
    APCOMPARE  . . . . .              (NONE, WARN or ERROR)                        
    BUSTIMESENSITIVE . .              (Yes/No)                                  
    SYSTIMESENSITIVE . .              (Yes/No)                                  
    ARCHIVESENSITIVE . .              (Yes/No)                                  
    APPLCOMPAT . . . . .              (VnnRn/VnnRnMnnn)   
    Note: The title of panel ADB21RSB can be either Bind Rest Service or Create Rest Service, depending on the line command that you used to display this panel.
  5. On the Edit Statement (ADB2PRED) panel, enter the SQL statement that you want in the service, and press End (PF3).
  6. After you create the service, issue the REF command on the REST Services (ADB21RS) panel to refresh the list and see your new service.
End of change