Use the CORRID_TRANSLATION parameter in CQMPARMS to control CORRID translation.


Defines how the CORRNAME and CORRNUM values are parsed from the CORRID.

  • Multiple specifications are allowed for the different connection types.

  • Multiple specifications for the same Db2 subsystem and connection type use the last specification.

  • DEFAULT connection type is used for translation of all unspecified connection types.

When OPTKEYS(CORRID) is specified both the CORRNAME and CORRNUM translations are performed. When OPTKEYS(CORRNAME) is specified only the CORRNAME translation is performed.

OMEGAMON uses the Db2 trace record DSNDQWHC to obtain the connection name (QWHCCN) to determine how to parse the correlation ID (QWHCCV).


CORRID_TRANSLATION(db2_ssid, conntype_name, corrname_offset, corrname_length, corrnum_offset, corrnum_length)

The Db2 subsystem ID.
The connection type. Valid values are TSO, DB2CALL, DB2PRIVATE, RRSAF, CICS®, IMS, DRDA, UTILITY, or DEFAULT. If a connection type is not specified, the default translation is used.
The CORRNAME offset. Valid values are between 01 and 12. Values less than 10 require a leading zero. The number of characters starting from corrname_offset summed with the corrname_length must not exceed 12. For example, if corrname_length=08 and corrname_offset=05, then bytes 05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 are selected and this is valid (it is under 12 bytes).
The CORRNAME length. Valid values are between 01 and 08. Values less than 10 require a leading zero. The number of characters starting from corrname_offset summed with the corrname_length must not exceed 12. For example, if corrname_length=08 and corrname_offset=05, then bytes 05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 are selected and this is valid (it is under 12 bytes).
The CORRNUM offset. Valid values are between 01 and 12. Values less than 10 require a leading zero. The number of characters starting from corrnum_offset summed with the corrnum_length must not exceed 12. For example, if corrnum_length=08 and corrnum_offset=05, then bytes 05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 are selected and this is valid (it is under 12 bytes).
The CORRNUM length. Valid values are between 01 and 08. Values less than 10 require a leading zero. The number of characters starting from corrnum_offset summed with the corrnum_length must not exceed 12. For example, if corrnum_length=08 and corrnum_offset=05, then bytes 05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 are selected and this is valid (it is under 12 bytes).
Refer to OMEGAMON documentation for the default parsing.
CORRID_TRANSLATION(DSN,TSO,01,08,08,04,DB2CALL,01,08,08,04, CICS,04,04,01,04,IMS,04,08,01,04,RRSAF,01,08,08,04)