Update the global VTAM major node

By default, the name of the VTAM major node is KCANDLE1. You might want to change the name in accordance with the naming conventions for your environment.


  1. Perform a FIND on RTE_VTAM_GBL_MAJOR_NODE to find the parameter for the global VTAM major node:
     000568 ** VTAM SNA values:                              
     000570 RTE_VTAM_APPLID_PREFIX  CTD                      
     000571 RTE_VTAM_NETID                    USCACO01       
     000572 RTE_VTAM_LU62_DLOGMOD             CANCTDCS       
     000573 RTE_VTAM_LU62_MODETAB             KDSMTAB1       
     000574 RTE_VTAM_GBL_MAJOR_NODE           KCANDLE1       
     000575 RTE_VTAM_APPLID_MODEL             Y              
  2. Replace KCANDLE1 with the appropriate value.