Update the TCP/IP port values used across the runtime environment

The ports for all monitoring agents and any monitoring servers must be the same for communication to be successful. If you are configuring the runtime environment (RTE) with the default protocols of IP and IP.PIPE and plan to use a different port number than the default value (1918), update the values for all ports specified within the profile.


  1. Perform an EXCLUDE FIND on _PORT to list all the TCP/IP port values to be used by the products within this RTE to communicate with each other.
  2. Update all port numbers to the value that you want to use.
    Figure 1 shows an example of this step, where nnnnn is the port number that you choose to use.
    Figure 1. Update TCP/IP port values
    SP22 TSTEST.&userid.DEMO.WCONFIG(DEMO) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072
    Command ===> C ' 1918 ' ' nnnnn  'ALL                   Scroll ===> CSR
    - - - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 485 Line(s) not Displayed
    000486 RTE_TCP_PORT_NUM                1918
    - - - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 13 Line(s) not Displayed
    000654 KDS_TEMS_TCP_PIPE_PORT_NUM      1918      * IP.PIPE
    000655 KDS_TEMS_TCP_UDP_PORT_NUM       1918      * IP.UDP
    000656 KDS_TEMS_TCP_PIPE6_PORT_NUM     ""        * IP.PIPE for IPV6
    000657 KDS_TEMS_TCP_UDP6_PORT_NUM      ""        * IP.UDP for IPV6
    000658 KDS_TEMS_TCP_PIPES_PORT_NUM     ""        * Secure IP.PIPE
    000659 KDS_TEMS_TCP_PIPE6S_PORT_NUM    ""        * Secure IP.PIPE for IPV6
    - - - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 72 Line(s) not Displayed
    000758 KDS_PH01_TEMS_TCP_PORT_NUM      1918
    - - - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 38 Line(s) not Displayed
    001094 KC5_TEMS_TCP_PIPE_PORT_NUM      1918      * IP.PIPE
    001095 KC5_TEMS_TCP_UDP_PORT_NUM       1918      * IP.UDP
    001096 KC5_TEMS_TCP_PIPE6_PORT_NUM     ""        * IP.PIPE for IPV6
    001097 KC5_TEMS_TCP_UDP6_PORT_NUM      ""        * IP.UDP for IPV6
    001098 KC5_TEMS_TCP_PIPES_PORT_NUM     ""        * Secure IP.PIPE
    001099 KC5_TEMS_TCP_PIPE6S_PORT_NUM    ""        * Secure IP.PIPE for IPV6
    - - - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 345 Line(s) not Displayed
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