Enable APF-authorization statements

PARMGEN provides the ability to generate the required APF-authorization commands for all libraries concatenated within the STEPLIB and RKANMODL DD names for all generated started tasks (STCs). If you do not enable this parameter, you must manually APF-authorize all libraries.

(For more information on APF authorizing libraries, see Completing the configuration outside the configuration software.)


  1. In the RTE configuration profile, perform a FIND on RTE_X_STC_INAPF_INCLUDE_FLAG.
  2. Change the value of the parameter to Y.
    SP22 TSTEST.&userid.DEMO.WCONFIG(DEMO) - 01.00 Columns 00001 00072
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
    000528 ** (Optional) INAPF INCLUDE statement in product started tasks (STCs):
    000529 ** Specify "Y" if you want to generate this statement as uncommented
    000530 ** out in all product STCs: "INAPF INCLUDE MEMBER=%RTE_STC_PREFIX%APF"
    000531 ** This sample composite member contains APF-authorization commands for
    000532 ** libraries concatenated in the STC STEPLIB and RKANMODL DDNAMEs.
    000533 ** This member also contains the VARY activate command pointing to the
    000534 ** %RTE_VTAM_GBL_MAJOR_NODE% VTAM major node (TSSND122 by default).
    000536 ** members for more information.