Configure the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface

If you want to use the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface, you must configure at least one instance in each sysplex. The parameters that affect this component use the prefix KOB in the configuration profile. Default values are supplied for all KOB parameters, so the interface is configured in every runtime environment unless you explicitly exclude it from configuration. However, you can customize the parameters to meet site requirements.

Before you begin

The enhanced 3270 user interface uses BPXmmm services for TCP/IP communications. BPXmmm services are a part of z/OS® UNIX System Services, so a user ID for the enhanced 3270 user interface started task must be defined with an OMVS segment (see Create a z/OS UNIX System Services ID for the address space).

About this task

You can set site-specific values for the started task name for the interface address space, VTAM applid, and VTAM node.

You can also configure security for enhanced 3270 interface. Authentication and authorization for users of the enhanced 3270 user interface is provided using the interface. Security for the enhanced 3270 user interface is configured by specifying the name of a system authorization facility (SAF) general resource class for the RTE_SECURITY_CLASS parameter. However, you should not enable security until you have completed and verified configuration of the runtime environments that the interface will serve. For more information, see Enable security for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface

Complete the following steps to configure the OMEGAMON® enhanced 3270 user interface as part of this runtime environment.


  • Find the KOB$ section and update the parameters as needed.
    Figure 1 shows an example of this section.
    Figure 1. Configure an OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface
    EDIT       TDITN.&userid.DEMO.WCONFIG(DEMO) - 01.02    Columns 00001 00072 
    Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
    001153 * PARAMETER NAME USAGE FOR COMPONENTS:                                  
    001154 *   1. KOB$/KOB_* for OMEGAMON e3270UI                                  
    001155 * ******************************************************************    
    001156 KOB$    BEGIN *------- OMEGAMON ENHANCED 3270 USER INTERFACE --------*  
    001157 ** ============================   ================================      
    001158 ** PARMGEN CONFIG Parameter       PARMGEN CONFIG Value                  
    001159 ** ============================   ================================      
    001161 ** Tivoli OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 UI started task options:               
    001162 ** Note: You only need to configure one OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User     
    001163 **       Interface address space in a Sysplex.  Post-configuration, a   
    001164 **       CUASITE member in both the RTE's UKOBDATF and RKANPARU         
    001165 **       libraries may need to be created.  Please refer to the         
    001166 **       interface profile and threshold discussions in the Enhanced    
    001167 **       3270 Interface Guide publication for more information.         
    001168 ** Related PARMGEN CONFIG profile parameters:                           
    001169 **       - KDS_TEMS_DRA_FLAG                                            
    001170 **       - RTE_SECURITY_CLASS                                           
    001171 KOB_TOM_STC                  IBMTOM                                    
    001172 KOB_TOM_VTAM_NODE            CTDOBN                                     
    001173 KOB_TOM_VTAM_APPL_LOGON      CTDOBAP                                    
    001175 KOB$    END   *------- OMEGAMON ENHANCED 3270 USER INTERFACE --------*  
    001177 * *******************************************************************   
    Is the name of the started task for the enhanced 3270 user interface (by default, IBMTOM).
    Is the name used to build the VTAM node entry for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (by default, CTDOBN).
    Is the name used to build the VTAM logon APPLID for the enhanced 3270 user interface (by default, CTDOBN).
  • To enable security, specify a value for RTE_SECURITY_CLASS.

    This parameter specifies the SAF security class to be used for log-on, query, Take Action, and interface actions. However, you might not want to enable security until you have verified that all components have been successfully configured and started. If you want to enable security after you have completed configuration of the runtime environment, edit the RTE configuration file to specify the RTE_SECURITY_CLASS. Then follow the instructions in Scenario RTE03: Changing parameters in an RTE to refresh the environment. If more granular security is required, you can override the RTE_SECURITY_CLASS parameter for logon, queries, and Take Action commands. For more information, see Enable security for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.

What to do next

A security administrator must define the system authorization facility (SAF) general resource class if it does not already exist and define profiles to control access to the interface, to control access to the data queries issued by the interface, and to control actions performed by the interface. Users or user groups must be given access to the profiles. Enable security for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface for more information.