Configuring OMNIMON Base

OMNIMON Base is a set of common code that is used by several OMEGAMON components and the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 user interface to control initialization, security, and I/O for all sessions. Configure the components for functions like the near-term history data collection.

About this task

OMNIMON Base has two components:
OMEGAMON Subsystem
A z/OS subsystem that runs in its own address space. The subsystem enables OMEGAMON components in other address spaces to monitor dynamic device activity. A single OMEGAMON Subsystem can support multiple copies of OMEGAMON II and multiple OMEGAMON II products on a single z/OS image. Some OMEGAMON monitoring products, such as OMEGAMON for Networks, do not use the OMEGAMON Subsystem. In addition, the OMEGAMON Subsystem caches some RMF near-term history data for the OMEGAMON for z/OS product.
Enhanced 3270 user interface
A 3270-based user interface that collects and displays data from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and OMEGAMON for z/OS monitoring agents. One instance of the interface must be installed in each Sysplex for use by all supporting agents.


  • Configure OMEGAMON Subsystem by modifying the following parameters.
    • Code sample of the parameters that are not specific to any subsystem feature.
      RTE_KCNSTR00_SSID                 CNDL                                  
      RTE_KCNSTR00_XCFGROUP             KCNXCFCF                              
      RTE_KCNSTR00_WTO                  ERROR                                 
      RTE_KCNDLSSI_IEFSSN00_FORMAT      K                                     
      RTE_X_KCNSTR00_REFRESH            60                                    
      RTE_X_KCNSTR00_PLEXCOLLECT        YES                                   
      RTE_X_KCNDLSSI_INITPARM_FLAG      Y         
      For more information about each parameter, see the following topics:
    • For the OMEGAMON components that use ITM persistent datastore (PDS), the LPAR RTE profile parameters in the following code sample control the ITM PDS settings for all products that collect ITM short-term history for the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface. For a complete list of the OMEGAMON components that exploit OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface, see OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface.
      Important: The content in this section, including the following parameters, was created for and applies to the original persistent data store, referred to as PDS V1. A new PDS version (referred to as PDS V2) now exists. PDS V1 will eventually be deprecated. For information about configuring PDS V2, see Configuring PDS V2.
      RTE_PDS_HILEV          USR.IBM.RTE                              
      RTE_PDS_KPDPROC_PREFIX IBMPD                                            
      RTE_PDS_BATCHINIT_FLAG            N         * xKANPARU(KppPCTL) option  
      RTE_PDS_BACKUP_FLAG               N         * xKANPARU(KppPG) option    
      RTE_PDS_EXPORT_FLAG               N         * xKANPARU(KppPG) option    
      RTE_PDS_EXTRACT_FLAG              N         * xKANPARU(KppPG) option    
      RTE_PDS_SMS_VOLUME               ""         * xKANPARU(KppAL) option    
      RTE_PDS_SMS_UNIT                 ""         * xKANPARU(KppAL) option    
      RTE_PDS_SMS_STORCLAS             ""         * xKANPARU(KppAL) option    
      RTE_PDS_SMS_MGMTCLAS             ""         * xKANPARU(KppAL) option   
      For more information on each parameter, see the following topics:
    • The following parameters are product-specific for TEMS and Agents that determine the size and number of the allocated files per product.
      Important: The content in this section, including the following parameters, was created for and applies to the original persistent data store, referred to as PDS V1. A new PDS version (referred to as PDS V2) now exists. PDS V1 will eventually be deprecated. For information about configuring PDS V2, see Configuring PDS V2.
      • Kpp_PD_*
      • Kpp_PDS_FILE_COUNT
      • Kpp_X_PD_HISTCOLL_DATA_*
      The following code sample is for configuring TEMS PDS.
      KDS_PDS_FILE_COUNT                 6                  * xKANPARU(KppAL) option
      KDS_PD_CYL                        36                  * GROUP=GENHIST 
      The following code sample is for configuring OMEGAMON for CICS Agent history data collection in the Agent address space.
      KC5_PD_HISTCOLL_DATA_IN_AGT_STC   Y                    * Enablement Parameter *
      KC5_PD_CYL                        600                  * GROUP=OMCICS 
      The following code sample is for configuring OMEGAMON for z/OS Agent history data collection in the TEMS address space.
      KM5_PD_HISTCOLL_DATA_IN_TEMS_STC  Y             * Enablement Parameter *
      KM5_PD_CYL_LPARDATA               605           * GROUP=LPARDATA        
      KM5_PD_CYL_PLEXDATA               190           * GROUP=PLEXDATA  
      For more information on each parameter, see the following topics:
  • OMEGAMON for z/OS uses the RMF collector in the OMEGAMON Subsystem for near-term history data in enhanced 3270UI. For more information, see Configuring the OMEGAMON for z/OS agent to use RMF data and Enable RMF data collection. In the OMEGAMON Subsystem, the following parameters are related to the enhanced 3270 user interface and control the collection:
    RTE_CANSCN_STC                IBMCN                          
    RTE_KCN_VTAM_APPL_LOGON     CTDCNAP       * Cache APPL      
    RTE_KCN_VTAM_NODE            CTDCNN       * Cache Node      
    RTE_KM5_NTH                       Y       * Y,YES,N,NO      
    RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_NTH            ""       * <group name>    
    RTE_KCN_CACHE_KM5_NTH_RANGE      24       * 0-120 hours     
    For more information about each parameter, see the following topics: