Variables in PARMGEN configuration

Using variables in parameter definitions allows systems to share those definitions but retain unique values for the parameters. A variable acts as a placeholder. Each system that shares the definition replaces the variable with a unique value during product initialization. Most of parameters in the RTE configuration profile can be customized to use variables as values.

If you use symbolic values, configured components and products inherit the values of the system on which they are started (the host z/OS® system). Started tasks contain a preprocessing step that resolves all variable specifications in the product parameter members. These system-specific values are then automatically loaded into temporary data sets that exist only while the component runs. The result is that the software runs correctly by using the system-specific parameter values for the host z/OS system.

Using variables helps you avoid many disruptive reconfiguration tasks if configuration values change. Using variables, you can also configure runtime environments on one LPAR that are intended to run on other LPARs.

Because variables are resolved at startup, you can share procedures and VTAM® elements across runtime environments. User-defined variables allow for the flexibility of not having to reconfigure the runtime environment when values change.

Support for variables must be enabled by setting the RTE_SYSV_SYSVAR_FLAG parameter in the LPAR's WCONFIG(%RTE_NAME%) configuration profile to Y. Variables cannot be used in the runtime environment of a high-availability hub monitoring server.