Implementation scenarios

Implementation scenarios step you through the creation of runtime environments (RTEs) and the configuration of components and products in those environments.

Table 1 summarizes the features of the RTEs in the Quick Configuration (QCF) scenarios. Note that model profiles that begin with $ represent best-practice RTEs.
Table 1. Summary of QCF scenario features
Scenario Template name RTE type Monitoring server type System variables Description
QCF01 $MDLHA Full High-availability hub No RTE configuration template for full, standalone RTE (High Availability (HA) Hub TEMS)
QCF02 $MDLHFV Full Static hub Yes RTE configuration template for full, standalone RTE (Static Hub TEMS and Agents with variables enabled)
QCF03 $MDLRSBV Sharing-with-base Remote Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-base read-only libraries RTE (Remote TEMS and Agents with variables enabled)
QCF04 @MDLHF Full Static hub No RTE configuration template for full, standalone RTE (Static Hub TEMS and Agents)
QCF05 @MDLRF Full Remote No RTE configuration template for full, standalone RTE (Remote TEMS and Agents)
QCF06 @MDLRFV Full Remote Yes RTE configuration template for full, standalone RTE (Remote TEMS and Agents with variables enabled)
QCF07 @MDLRSB Sharing-with-base Remote No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-base read-only libraries RTE (Remote TEMS and Agents)
QCF08 @MDLRSS Sharing-with-SMP/E Remote No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Remote TEMS and Agents)
QCF09 @MDLRSSV Sharing-with-SMP/E Remote Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Remote TEMS and Agents with variables enabled)
QCF10 @MDLHSS Sharing-with-SMP/E Hub No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Static Hub TEMS and Agents)
QCF12 @MDLHSB Sharing-with-Base Hub No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-base read-only libraries RTE (Hub TEMS and Agents)
QCF13 $MDLAFV Full N/A Yes RTE configuration template for full, stand-alone RTE (Agents only with variables enabled connecting to a z/OS TEMS in another RTE)
QCF14 @MDLAF Full N/A No IBM-provided RTE configuration template for full, standalone RTE (Agents only connecting to a z/OS TEMS in another RTE)
QCF15 $MDLASBV Sharing-with-base N/A Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-base read-only libraries RTE (Agents only with variables enabled connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
QCF16 @MDLASB Sharing-with-base N/A No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-base read-only libraries RTE (Agents only connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
QCF17 @MDLASSV Sharing-with-SMP/E N/A Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Agents only with variables enabled connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
QCF18 @MDLASS Sharing-with-SMP/E N/A No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E datasets RTE (Agents only connecting to a non-local TEMS configured in another RTE or running on another non-z/OS platform)
QCF19 $MDLHSSV Sharing-with-SMP/E Hub Yes RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Static Hub TEMS, enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and OMEGAMON for JVM (KJJ) Agent only with variables enabled)
QCF20 $MDLHSS Sharing-with-SMP/E Hub No RTE configuration template for sharing-with-SMP/E target read-only datasets RTE (Static Hub TEMS, enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and OMEGAMON for JVM (KJJ) Agent only)
QCF21 $MDLHSBV Sharing-with-base Hub Yes Predefined RTE models include a z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS, whether this is a Hub TEMS or a Remote TEMS), an OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and both types of z/OS monitoring Agents (Agents that run in the z/OS TEMS address space and Agents that run in their own standalone Agent address spaces).
QCF22 @MDLHSSV Sharing-with-SMP/E Hub Yes Predefined RTE models include a z/OS Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS, whether this is a Hub TEMS or a Remote TEMS), an OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface (TOM) and both types of z/OS monitoring Agents (Agents that run in the z/OS TEMS address space and Agents that run in their own standalone Agent address spaces).

With the exception of QCF10, the QCF scenarios illustrate the use of IBM-provided model RTEs to create new RTEs.

  • These scenarios assume that you are using the PARMGEN Workflow interface to perform the configuration steps.
  • For information on getting help for parameters, see the online help in the configuration profile (F1).
  • For locating and changing values for related parameters, see XF edit macro.

Scenarios involving maintenance-type tasks that you can perform using the PARMGEN method are in SMP/E maintenance and upgrade scenarios and Runtime environment reconfiguration scenarios. Scenarios that illustrate how to clone RTEs and deploy them to other LPARS are in Deployment scenarios.