This parameter specifies the level of checking that is performed by the WCONFIG(KCIJPVAL) validation job or the VALIDATE step of the WCONFIG($PARSE*) job.

Required or optional
Default value
Valid values
Valid values are:
  • I (Informational). The least restrictive level. This level results in the KCIJPVAL and $PARSE jobs returning a RC=0 and allows the jobs to proceed even if there are flagged parameters in Section 1 or Section 4 of the $VALRPT validation report.
  • W (Warning). The defaultThis is basically the toleration mode level. KCIJPVAL and $PARSE return RC=4, but $PARSE stills runs and configures all the products.
  • E (Error). The most restrictive validation level. Each invalid value will be reported as an error and therefore would hold further KCIJPVAL or $PARSE processing. 
For staged upgrades, if the products that exploit PARMGEN provide product-specific validation exits, you can override the level of validation checking. This is useful especially if a new version no longer supports an older release or version of a supported subsystem at earlier versions of a product.
Related parameters