This parameter determines whether to enable z/OS® system variables, which are elements that allow systems to share PARMGEN definitions while retaining unique values in those definitions.

Required or optional
Required for full and sharing runtime environments; does not apply to base runtime environments.
Determines whether to enable z/OS system variables, which are elements that allow systems to share PARMGEN definitions while retaining unique values in those definitions. Each system that shares a definition replaces the system variable with a unique value during initialization.

If you use system variables, the components inherit the system values for the system on which they are started (the host z/OS system). These system-specific values are then automatically loaded into dynamic in-memory parameter members that exist only while the component runs. The result is that the software runs correctly by using the system-specific parameter values for the host z/OS system.

Note: You cannot use system variables in the runtime environment of a high-availability hub.
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