Use the Kpp_TEMS_TCP_PIPE_PORT_NUM parameter to specify the IP.PIPE port number that you want to use.

Required or optional
Required if you specified a value of IPPIPE as one of the Kpp_AGT_COMM_PROTOCOLn protocol parameters
Location where the parameter value is stored
The KppENV member of the rhilev.rte.RKANPARU library
Parameter name
IP.PIPE PORT: (Agent IP.PIPE port number)
Default value
The value set in RTE_TCP_PORT_NUM. If no value is provided in RTE_TCP_PORT_NUM, 1918 is used.
Permissible values
1 - 65535
PARMGEN classification
Protocol port numbers for Agent connection to TEMS

Agent IP.PIPE port number

This parameter specifies the IP.PIPE port number that you want to use. This port number is used by the non-secure Network Computing System (NCS) IP.PIPE protocol.
Note: Port numbers for non-secure IP.PIPE protocol and IP.UDP protocol must match.
Related parameters