This parameter specifies the maximum number of queued connections for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface data retrieval agent (DRA). This parameter must be added to the EMBEDS(Kpp$PENV) member (Configuration Manager) or to the WCONFIG(Kpp$PENV) member (PARMGEN) for the agent in the DRA. You must enable the parameter after adding it in the imbed.


This parameter controls the number of incoming connections that can be queued for acceptance for the OMEGAMON enhanced 3270 user interface DRA. The parameter value is picked up after the DRA is restarted.

Note: The KOB_DRA_BACKLOG parameter value can be capped by the global TCP/IP profile configuration parameter SOMAXCONN. If the KOB_DRA_BACKLOG value exceeds the SOMAXCONN value, the SOMAXCONN value will be used instead.
Required or optional
Default value
Permissible values
10 - 250 (integer values)