PARMGEN batch jobs

Using the PARMGEN method, you create runtime environments by submitting a series of batch jobs. These jobs are tailored with the values you specify in the configuration profiles, and with the values you supply either by editing the jobs directly or by providing values in the PARMGEN Workflow configuration panels.

Figure 1 shows the PARMGEN-created jobs and the libraries that they create and populate, grouped by functional area.
Figure 1. PARMGEN libraries and the PARMGEN jobs that create and populate them
This figure shows the various groups of libraries, along with the PARMGEN-generated jobs that create and populate them.

The $JOBINDX member is an index of jobs used by PARMGEN. The names and descriptions of the jobs are presented in the order in which they should be submitted. You can review this file from anywhere in the Workflow interface by entering UTIL on the command line.