PARMGEN generated runtime members

The PARMGEN configuration process allocates a set of libraries which contain runtime members that are tailored by the $PARSE job and referenced at the time product started task are executed.

Contains startup members.
Contains parameter members, environment file members, and near-term history persistent datastore control files.
Contains sample jobs and file-tailored jobs, started tasks, VTAM nodes, security jobs, allocation and load jobs, and the like.

PARMGEN creates a started task (STC) for every product and component that is configured in a runtime environment (RTE). The STCs are included in a composite STC that can be used to start all the products and components, in the required order. The composite STC is named %RTE_STC_PREFIX%STRT, where %RTE_STC_PREFIX% is the started task prefix that is specified in the RTE_STC_PREFIX parameter. By default, all started tasks are started. Comment out the START statement for any STCs that are not in use. The started tasks must be copied from the WKANSAMU library to your GBL_SYS1_PROCLIB library (default SYS1.PROCLIB).

The KCIJPSYS job copies runtime members such as started tasks, VTAM® major node members, and health check elements for the products and components into system libraries. The job also copies several optional members for your use:
  • %RTE_STC_PREFIX%APF: composite SETPROG/VARY ACTIVATE member listing load libraries that must be APF-authorized for the different products.
  • %RTE_STC_PREFIX%STRT: composite /S startup of all customized product started tasks from the RTE's WKANSAMU library to the customized global system procedure library
  • %RTE_STC_PREFIX%STOP: composite /P stop. - .
The job also assembles or links product modules into system libraries.

The KCIJPSYS job is submitted from the Submit Batch Jobs to Complete PARMGEN Setup panel. You can submit it individually or using the composite submit job KCIJPSUB. The KCIJPSYS job is not automatically submitted by KCIJPSUB, because it requires write access to system libraries. If you use the composite job, you must uncomment the KCIJPSYS job in the KCIJPSUB JCL.