PARMGEN PTF UA91952 for APAR OA51755 (2Q17 Interim Feature)

PARMGEN PTF UA91952 for APAR OA51755 (2Q17 Interim Feature) introduces several enhancements, which are described in this section.

PARMGEN configuration framework enhancements and updates

The configuration software includes the following enhancements:
  • Provide $JOBCARD-related processing updates to the KCIJRCRD jobcard macro and the sample jobcard for the first-time PARMGEN users in support of z/OS 2.3 currency with users that have 8-character TSO user IDs. The TSO user ID will be used as the preferred jobname.
  • Provide additional IVP advanced validation check during the VALIDATE step of PARMGEN $PARSE*-related jobs, or PARMGEN KCIJPVAL standalone validation job:
    • Detect a warning condition when the parameter KDS_TEMS_HTTP_PORT_NUM (representing the TEMS HTTP port number) is nulled out or blanked out. KDS_TEMS_HTTP_PORT_NUM is required when OMEGAMON for z/OS product is configured for RMF DDS communication.
    • Detect a warning condition when all the TEMS KDS_TEMS_DRA_FLAG and Agent-specific Kpp_AGT_DRA_FLAG OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI's KOBAGENT Data Retrieval Agents (DRA) are all enabled in a given LPAR RTE. Provide a best practice tip that typically one or two OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI (TOM) KOBAGENT DRAs are required to be started in the TEMS and Agent STCs. You can disable some of the DRA flags, but leave two DRAs enabled in an LPAR for backup purpose.
      Tip: In a given Sysplex, 1 or 2 TOMs are required and having one or two DRAs in the STCs is typically sufficient. Avoid enabling the DRA in the z/OS Hub TEMS STC.
    • For OMEGAMON for Storage Agent: Detect a warning condition when KDF_FM01_MON_STAT = 'MSR' and KDF_FM01_SAM_CNT = '1' values are specified. MSR=1 may cause performance issues when monitoring a large number of volumes or during heavy I/O traffic. MSR parameter values populate the xKANPARU(KDFDSCIN) runtime member.

Product-specific enhancements

The following product-specific enhancements are provided in this release:
Tivoli Management Services: Engine infrastructure common to TEMS and Agents
The following features are added:
  • (TEMS) Enable KDS_VALIDATE=YES parameter for a TEMS configured in a new RTE. The LPAR RTE profile parameter KDS_TEMS_SECURITY_KDS_VALIDATE now has a default value of Y that writes out KDS_VALIDATE=YES in the TEMS' %RTE_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.RKANPARU(KDSENV) runtime member. This parameter validates user ID access to the TEMS. Setting KDS_VALIDATE=NO means that the application userid is authorized, or the TEMS does not have a security requirement.
  • (TEMS) Provide flexibility to set the z/OS® UNIX System Services permission for the %RTE_USS_RTEDIR%/%RTE_NAME%/kds/support/TEMS/KDSDPROF file that contains TEMS_JAVA_BINPATH parameter for SDA processing. KCIJPUSP job now provides support for using the RTE_USS_MKDIR_MODE parameter for the chmod z/OS UNIX command. The default permission bits are set to 775. Providing this flexibility accommodates sites that have UMASK() overrides.
IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for DB2 PE/PM V5.3.0 and later
The following enhancements are added:
  • Enable the configuration of thread history in the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270 User Interface (enhanced 3270UI). OMEGAMON for DB2 "Thread history" on the enhanced 3270UI is the same capability as what's known as 'near-term history' in the OMEGAMON for DB2 Classic interface. PI82090 delivers this same capability to the enhanced 3270UI for OMEGAMON for DB2. Both Near-Term History (Classic) and Thread History (enhanced 3270) data is stored in VSAM. The following parameters represent the valid values for storage type:
    • (New) THVSAM - Store the data to VSAM datasets for enhanced 3270UI Thread history support.
    • (New) VSAMSEQTHVSAM - Store the data to VSAM datasets, sequential files for OMEGAMON DB2 Classic NTH support and VSAM datasets for enhanced 3270UI Thread history support.
    • (New) SEQTHVSAM - Store the data to sequential files for OMEGAMON for DB2 Classic NTH support and VSAM datasets for enhanced 3270UI Thread history support.
    • (New) VSAMTHVSAM - Store the data to VSAM datasets for OMEGAMON DB2 Classic NTH support and VSAM datasets for enhanced 3270UI Thread history support.
    Summary of near-term-history related configuration enhancements (applicable to both TOM thread history and Classic history):
    • New PARMGEN parameters enable configuration of thread history The following new parameters allow you to specify how thread history will be collected:
    • To support thread history in the OMEGAMON Enhanced 3270UI, new COPT&dbid parameter values that are THVSAM-related have been added to the WRITEOPTION parameter of the %RTE_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.RKD2PAR(COPT&dbid) runtime member. In addition, several new parameters, THRDSQL, THRDCONT, THRDSUSP, THRDSCAN, and THRDSORT, have been added for data collection.
    • Two new COPT&dbid parameters, THRDLOG and THRDDATASET, can be used to control VSAM datasets. The maximum number of VSAM datasets is 60 for Enhanced 3270UI thread history. The PARMGEN LPAR RTE profile parameters supporting the new COPT&dbid parameters are:
    • New VSAM dataset allocation logic: The general logic of allocating VSAM data sets for Near Term History has changed. Now, the selected types of datasets are allocated only if the thread history flag (%KD2_PFnn_HIS_START%) is set to Y. If this flag is set to N, no data sets are allocated and WRITEOPTION() is changed to NONE. For staging purposes, new standalone VSAM allocation jobs are provided in %RTE_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.RKD2SAM dataset as follows:
      * Standalone Job Versions: Applicable if KD2_PFnn_HIS_START = "Y":
      - RKD2SAM(TCRV&dbid) for OMEGAMON enhanced 3270UI thread history
      - RKD2SAM(HCRV&dbid) for Classic NTH:
    • New imbed increases allowable VSAM datasets: A new WCONFIG(KD2$PCOP) imbed has been added to the H2DATASET() parameter in the COPT&dbid member. This allows you to enable more than seven Classic RKD2VSnn thread history VSAM data sets. The limit for the VSAM data sets number for thread history is now 1024. Only seven data sets can be set via PARMGEN. The others should be specified in WCONFIG(KD2$PCOP) prior to submitting the WCONFIG($PARSE*)-related "Create runtime members" and WKANSAMU(KCIJPW2R) "Copy runtime mbrs from WK*->RK* RW libs" jobs.
    • New default sizes and units for memory: The default size and memory measurement units are changed from 10 Cylinders to 900 MegaBytes (MB) when allocating the thread history datasets. The value is controlled via two profile parameters:
      - KD2_PFnn_HIS_VSAM_SU
      - KD2_PFnn_HIS_VSAM_MB
      Existing RTEs are not impacted; new defaults take effect for new RTEs. OMEGAMON for DB2-related allocation jobs such as RKD2SAM(ALLOCDS) composite OMEGAMON for DB2 NTH allocation job, new RKD2SAM(TCRV&dbid) standalone RKTH* enhanced 3270UI thread history dataset allocation job, existing RKD2SAM(HCRV&dbid) standalone RKD2VS* Classic NTH VSAM dataset allocation job, are all modified to support the new MEGABYTES(%KD2_PFnn_HIS_VSAM_MB%) parameter value.
  • Add support for a new GRANT command for the SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS table in the %RTE_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.RKD2PAR(OMGR&dbid) member:
  • Change the default values of DB2RTCPU and DB2REMIO parameters to YES in the %RTE_HILEV%.%RTE_NAME%.RKD2PAR(OMPEOPTS) runtime member applicable to new runtime environments (RTEs) that configure OMEGAMON for DB2. Existing RTEs are not impacted.
IBM OMEGAMON for JVM on z/OS V5.4.0
Enhance configuration that supports IBM Java Health Center Agent packaging in the following jobs:
- KCIJPUSP "(Re)Create USS runtime members in RKANDATV" USS
             preparation job
- KCIJPUSS "Create USS directories/(Re)Copy USS files" job
Logic is added to KCIJARPX step in the KCIJPUSS job to accommodate bpxbatch requirements in later versions of z/OS for the "cd" and "pax" commands. In later z/OS versions, the commands get executed independently, so that the current working directory for the pax command is the user's home directory rather than the TKANJAR SMP/E install z/OS UNIX source directory. The enhancements being made to the PARMGEN KCIJPUSS job's KCIJARPX step is to accommodate all possible scenarios.
IBM OMEGAMON for CICS TG on z/OS V5.3.0:
Logic is added to KCIJARPX step in the KCIJPUSS job to accommodate bpxbatch requirements in later versions of z/OS for the "cd" and "pax" commands. In later z/OS versions, the commands get executed independently, so that the current working directory for the pax command is the user's home directory rather than the TKANJAR SMP/E install z/OS UNIX source directory. The enhancements being made to the PARMGEN KCIJPUSS job's KCIJARPX step is to accommodate all possible scenarios.
IBM OMEGAMON for IMS on z/OS V5.3.0:
Address the $PARSE "Create runtime members and jobs" code to generate the KIPICTP dataset when KI5_X_ICT_IMS_CONNECT_FLAG=Y is enabled.