Unable to start cfgsmu in Docker container

Use this information to solve the problem when you are unable to start cfgsmu in Docker container.


The configuration tool cfgsmu cannot be started after you run command eezdocker.sh cfgsmu.


cfgsmu is a GUI tool, and eezdocker.sh cfgsmu doesn’t work over SSH sessions to the Docker host machine.


  • If the Docker host machine is accessed by an SSH session, you can select either of the following ways to start the tool:
    • Run command eezdocker.sh shell to open a shell inside the SMU container and do a silent configuration. For more information, see Starting cfgsmu in the Docker container.
    • Configure a VNC server on the host machine and log into the desktop environment using VNC to start cfgsmu.
  • If cgfsmu cannot be ran out of the Docker container, it might be necessary to allow access to the X11 session on the host machine. Run the command 'xhost+local:all' before you run 'eezdocker.sh cfgsmu' to ensure that the Docker process can access the user's X session.