Increasing runtime memory

Tivoli® Directory Integrator does not use all available memory so edit the ibmdisrv file to increase runtime memory and avoid out of memory errors. To increase the runtime memory, add the two -Xms2048M -Xmx4096M space-separated arguments to the Java invocation command.


  1. To increase the heap size of Java Virtual Machine, include -Xms and -Xmx options in the ibmdisrv script file. For example, to set the minimum heap memory size to 2048 bytes and maximum heap memory size to 4096 bytes, modify the script.
    Note: On Linux systems, the file name is ibmdisrv and the file is in the main Tivoli Directory Integrator directory.
  2. Find the following line in ibmdisrv:
    "$TDI_HOME_DIR/IDILoader.jar" "$LOG_4J" "$@" &
  3. Change the script as shown:
    "$TDI_JAVA_PROGRAM" $TDI_MIXEDMODE_FLAG -Xms2048m -Xmx4096m -cp
    "$TDI_HOME_DIR/IDILoader.jar" "$LOG_4J" "$@" &
    Note: Do not copy and paste the examples into your ibmdisrv file. Add the two arguments without changing any of the other arguments.