New in this release

IBM® Service Management Suite for z/OS® V1.4.2 provides various new automation and performance management features and components, including the IBM Service Management Unite V1.1.2 customizable dashboard interface.

The following new functions and features are available with version 1.4.2 of the suite. For details on installing these updates, refer to Upgrading from version 1.4.1 or Installing component products.
IBM Service Management Unite V1.1.2
IBM Service Management Unite V1.1.2 provides the following enhancements in IBM Service Management Suite for z/OS V1.4.2:
  • Added z/OS Problem Isolation dashboards to allow you to identify and resolve z/OS-based resource conflicts and delay states.
  • Redesigned z/OS dashboard to speed problem identification and resolution.
  • Increased integration with System Automation to ensure operators can issue commands to resolve problems without impacting automation policies.
  • Enhanced interface to control System Automation scheduling and policies.
  • Added Captured Messages dashboard to show you the captured messages for a specific node or resource.
  • Added Monitoring History dashboard to show you the monitoring history for a specific monitor resource.
  • Added support for end-to-end automation in IBM System Automation for z/OS V4.1.0 for cross-sysplex configurations.
For more information, see IBM Service Management Unite V1.1.2.
IBM System Automation for z/OS V4.1.0
IBM System Automation for z/OS V4.1.0 provides the following new capabilities:
  • It includes IBM Service Management Unite Automation, a new modernized graphical user interface. IBM Service Management Unite Automation can ease daily operator tasks and provides visibility and control to all automated resources in the enterprise connected to it by using the adapters provided with the product.
  • Cross-sysplex automation enables installations to automate applications and their dependencies spanning multiple System Automation plexes (SAplex). These applications can be controlled from a single focal point, which can be existing NetView Command Console Facility (NCCF) panels or the new Service Management Unite Automation console.
  • By using the new command INGSUSPD, operators can suspend selected resources temporarily from being automated at times when manual maintenance activities are required. Meanwhile, System Automation continues to monitor the availability status of those resources and without alerting operations staff when it normally would generate an alert.
  • It provides enhanced resource analysis by using the new command INGWHY. The command helps both experienced and less experienced users to quickly find out the reason why a resource is in a certain status, and it provides tailorable instructions on how operators can deal with the situation to restore services as quickly as possible.
  • It can monitor IMS and CICS connections to MQ based on definitions in the automation policy.
  • The Status Display Facility (SDF) provides improved customization capabilities that enable administrators to create solutions that better fits the needs of an installation.
IBM System Automation for z/OS V4.1.0 picks up the following changes delivered through the service stream:
  • The job log monitoring function has been enhanced to resume monitoring where it left off even if a temporary recycle of the NetView® based automation agent has occurred.
  • Customers can now monitor content in the JES2 and JES3 SPOOL data sets that may be spun off based on time or size depending on the JCL SPIN-parameter.
  • System Automation for z/OS alerts in form of Event Integration Facility (EIF) events can now optionally be sent to an EIF-receiver, for instance Tivoli® Netcool® OMNIbus, by using the NetView Event/Automation Services Confirmed Message Adapter. This enhancement can guarantee the delivery of the alerts for customers.
  • New best practices policies are provided out-of-the-box for z/OS Connect EE and the new Tivoli OMEGAMON® for JVM monitoring agent. By importing these policies, customers can integrate automated operations and high availability of these products within their existing automation policy within minutes.
  • GDPS® and users of Processor Operations can use the updated System Automation for z/OS hardware interfaces to leverage the latest enhancements built into the IBM z13s and IBM z13® GA2 hardware API, for instance support of Absolute Capping, detection of z Appliance Container Infrastructure partitions or LPARs running the KVM open source virtualization.
  • Together with IBM Workload Scheduler V9.3.0, System Automation for z/OS now supports applications containing operations running on automation workstations with conditional dependencies. With this, operations networks are less complex and can be defined in a similar, flexible way as it is possible for normal batch operations.
For more information, see IBM System Automation for z/OS V4.1.0.
IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS V6.2.1
IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS V6.2.1 provides the following enhancements in Service Management Suite for z/OS V1.4.2:
  • Provides a new mechanism for automatically maintaining current reference to the oldest available Canzlog archive file, as older files are deleted.
  • To facilitate user management of archived Canzlog data files, common global variables set by the processing of configuration statements for Canzlog archiving (NetView style sheet statements that begin with ARCHIVE.) are being documented.
  • Reduces the number of messages written to the system console and system log during NetView initialization. A missing message id and help text are being added to improve diagnostic information.
  • Provides several enhancements to Command Revision Table, Message Revision Table, and PIPE EDIT:
    • Allow blanks and commas to be removed from commands before comparing in a CRT.
    • Allow characters to be removed from strings in EDIT specifications.
    • Support hex strings being specified in UPON statements in MRTs and CRTs.
    • Support message PREFIX values that have lengths other than 3.
For more information, see IBM Tivoli NetView for z/OS V6.2.1.