Changing the attributes of a PPC Gateway server

You can update the attributes in a PPC Gateway server's GSD entry in three ways:
  • You can use the cicsppcgwy command to change the StartType, ThreadPoolSize, and SNADefaultModeName attributes. (This process is described in Starting a PPC Gateway server.)
  • You can use the cicsppcgwydestroy command, followed by the cicsppcgwycreate command, to destroy and re-create a PPC Gateway server. (These commands are described in Destroying a PPC Gateway server and Creating a PPC Gateway server, respectively.) This method allows you to change any of the GSD attributes. Use this method with care because, although you can re-create a PPC Gateway server with the cicsppcgwycreate command, all the data that is associated with the original is lost when you destroy the original server with the cicsppcgwydestroy command. When you start this new server after running the cicsppcgwycreate command, it is started as a cold start. (For more information about cold starts, refer to Starting a PPC Gateway server.)
  • You can use the cicsupdate -c gsd command to change any GSD attribute.