Example to debug a problem in a DPL environment

The following image shows you an example of debugging a problem in a DPL environment.
Figure 1. Debugging DPL
Debugging DPL

If you do a EXEC CICS LINK from region CICSA to region CICSB, from region CICSB to region CICSC and from region CICSC to region CICSD then in region CICSD's CRTI.out, you will find the information about the Task 4 running in region CICSD, partner Task 3 running in region CICSC and also Task 1 that has originated this request. If Task 1 is initiated from any TCP\IP client, you will also get the client details such as client IPAddress and client port. You will find the following output in CRTI.out for every DPL request if the required stanza attributes are set.

CurrentTaskInfo: CurTask=4 CurStartTime=12/03/08 15:06:47.780045894 CurTran=CPMI CurFacility= CurProcessId=43324 CurRegion=CICSD
PartnerTaskInfo: ParTask=3 ParStartTime=12/03/08 15:06:47.708596656 ParLinkTime=12/03/08 15:06:47.711220046 ParTran=CPMI ParFacType= ParFacility= ParProcessId=32614 ParUser=CICSUSER ParRegion=CICSC ParProtocolType=ppc_tcp ParIPAddr= ParPort=0
OriginatingTaskInfo: odTask=1 odStartTime=12/03/08 15:06:47.688628810 odLinkTime=12/03/08 15:06:47.693068985 odTran=CPMI odFacType= odFacility= odProcessId=10328 odUser=CICSUSER odRegion=CICSA odProtocolType=cics_tcp odClientIPAddr= odClientPort=33152
The details of each of the above field are as follows:
  • CurTask: Task number that is associated with the task for which remote task information is requested.
  • CurStartTime: Time when current task is started
  • CurTran: Transaction name under which current task ran
  • CurFacility: If the facility associated with the current task is a transient data queue, a terminal, or a task, CurFacility returns the name of the facility. If this task was not started in any of these ways, CurFacility returns blanks
  • CurProcessId: Process ID associated with current task
  • CurRegion: Region name where current task ran.
  • ParTask: Task number that is associated with the partner task
  • ParStartTime: Time when the partner task started
  • ParLinkTime: Time when the partner task made the link request to the current task
  • ParTran: Transaction name under which the partner task ran
  • ParFacType: The type of facility that initiated the partner task
  • ParFacility: If the facility associated with the partner task is a transient data queue, a terminal, or a task, ParFacility returns the name of the facility. If the partner task was not started in any of these ways, ParFacility returns blanks
  • ParProcessId: Process ID in the partner region which is associated with the partner task
  • ParUser: User name under which partner task ran
  • ParRegion: Region name where partner task ran
  • ParProtocolType: Type of protocol used by the partner region to send the request to the current region
  • ParIPAddr: IP address of the partner region that has initiated the current task
  • ParPort: Port number which the TCP/IP stack used to send the request that resulted in the current task being attached. If the partner protocol type is ppc_tcp then ParPort returns zero
  • odTask: Task number that is associated with the originating task
  • odStartTime: Time when the originating task started
  • odLinkTime: Time when the originating task made the link request
  • odTran: Transaction name under which the originating task ran
  • odFacType: The type of facility that initiated the originating task
  • odFacility: If the facility associated with the initiation of the originating task is a transient data queue, a terminal, or a task, odFacility returns the name of the facility. If the originating task was not started in any of these ways, odFacility returns blanks
  • odProcessId: Process ID which is associated with the originating task
  • odUser: User name under which the originating task ran
  • odRegion: Region name where the originating task ran
  • odProtocolType: Type of protocol that is used by the originating task to link to the next region
  • odClientIPAddr: IP address of the TCP/IP client that requested the originating task to start. If the originating task was not started from a TCP/IP client, odClientIPAddr returns blanks
  • odClientPort: Port number which the TCP/IP stack used to send the request that resulted in the originating task being attached. If the originating task was not started in this way, OdclientPort returns zero
  1. This is supported only in cics_tcp and ppc_tcp protocols.
  2. This is supported only for DPL between TXSeries 7.1 regions or later.