When is DFHTRUC called

DFHTRUC is called under the following conditions:
  • The code page that is in RemoteCodePageTR is different from the local code page and
  • a TCTUA and/or COMMAREA is included in the transaction routing data
It can be called in the following places:
  • When you region is the terminal-owning region (TOR) and a TCTUA and/or COMMAREA is being sent to the application-owning region at the beginning of a routed transaction
  • When your region is the application-owning region (AOR) and a TCTUA and/or COMMAREA has been received with a routed transaction request
  • When your region is the application-owning region (AOR) and a TCTUA and/or COMMAREA is to be sent with the last data for the routed transaction
  • When you region is the terminal-owning region (TOR) and a TCTUA and/or COMMAREA has been received with the last data for the routed transaction

Only one DFHTRUC is in your region. It must therefore be coded to handle all transactions that require conversion of the TCTUA or COMMAREA. Parameters passed to DFHTRUC describes the information that is passed to DFHTRUC and that allows it to determine the conversion required.