Deferred sending of START requests with the NOCHECK parameter

For EXEC CICS® START commands with the NOCHECK parameter, CICS defers transmission of the request until one of the following events occurs:
  • The transaction issues another function shipping request for the same system, or executes a sync point
  • The transaction terminates with an implicit sync point
  • An EXEC CICS START NOCHECK with PROTECT was specified for the same system
  • When enough EXEC CICS START NOCHECK requests have accumulated on the local system to make sending them efficient

The first, or only, start request that is transmitted from a transaction to a remote system carries the begin-bracket indicator; the last, or only, request carries the end-bracket indicator. Also, if any of the start requests that are issued by the transaction specifies PROTECT, sync point coordination occurs after the last request. The sequence of requests is transmitted within a single SNA bracket and all the requests are handled by the same mirror task.

The NOCHECK parameter is always required when shipping of the EXEC CICS START command is queued pending the establishment of links with the remote system.